Sunday, June 14, 2015


This may not be too big of a discovery, many of you may have already figured it out, but I realized that being HAPPY is a . . . 
 c h o i c e .  
I probably already knew that . . . but this thought was a big "aha! moment" for me!
I had been struggling for quite a while. I kind of just sunk into a grumpy, rude, and unhappy rut. I looked at other people, friends I had looked up to and saw that they were happy, they had friends that wanted to be around them. I wanted that. The more I observed people around me, I compared, and the more I compared, the more unhappy I was. I wanted to be happy, and enjoyable to be around but I didn't exactly want to do the work to get there. I kept justifying myself by saying, "well, that person just has a more outgoing personality." 
"That person has all the friends in the world...that's why they are happy."
"That person is just a people person. Everyone loves to be around them."
I came to find that having an outgoing personality doesn't make you a happy person. Having all the friends in the world doesn't make you a kind person, and being a people person doesn't ensure you to have a bright disposition. 
My friends, happiness is a choice.
At times being happy is not easy. 
You can't just expect to be happy, it doesn't work!
You have to be proactive, and make that change.
It's a choice I have to make every
-s i n g l e-
"Don't assume that happiness is the absence of a load. The unique burdens in each of our lives help us rely upon the merits and grace of the Holy Messiah." -Elder Bednar
Choices are a marvelous part of life. Although they are scary . . . and DO take effort.
You cannot wait for a "perfect" moment to choose  to be happy.
You can either  Go  with  the  flow  or  Go  out  and  find  the  beauty  in  the  world ... and  where  you  can't  find  it ,  you  must  create  it !
Making choices is a part of life.
It's a part of living life on purpose.
Make the choice to be h a p p y
Live life on purpose.
S h i n e
with the light of Christ.


Ellie Anderson said...

Thanks Briar!!! You have no idea how much I needed that. :)

BriarRose Thompson said...

^_^ I am so very glad. Love ya!!!