Wednesday, April 26, 2023

A Feeling: Not Being in Stagnant Water -- Fully Engage in Your Story

 Where to begin... I really do not feel that I have much to say. I feel as if my thoughts, and feelings are just all over the place...

 I also feel the need to just create something ... To say something! 

To get out of a rut ... out of my little muddy puddle.

I just want to write down some thoughts that have sparked an excitement within my soul! It's been a minute since I have acted upon an exciting idea.

It has been so long since writing here on the blog. 

It's been long since creating art and sketching too. 

It has been a long time since dancing. (That makes me sad).

Yet, I suppose that there are seasons of life that come and go...

It feels as if I have been spending all of my energy, days, and time trying to care for, feed, nurture, and love our dear children while John has been deployed and out at sea. It has been just about 6 months since his leaving, and it has felt sooo long, yet also has felt like just a blink of an eye. A blink where our three children have grown 3 sizes in shoes, 2 sizes up in clothes, can sign the whole alphabet in A S L, and Gil has teethed ALL his teeth.  

Gilbert with almost all his teeth

Adventures of flying with three children 4 and under

Big enough to try to longboard 

I have had some thoughts about creating.

 Perhaps these thoughts have come about because I have been ignoring the subtle nudges to take time to create. (Other than cookies, and meatloaf, etc.)

Creating is such an essential characteristic to us as human beings, as well as us as divine spirit children of God. I have noticed that after creating something...anything, there is a certain kind of PEACE that overcomes me. It can happen after writing an inspirational quote down, after sketching, washing the walls down, or taking time to paint. This moment of accomplishing something hard and worthwhile is nice, it is a feeling of not being in stagnant water anymore. It is a moment where the hero in the story decides to DO something. By finding that moment of courage and action...the fog next to the stagnant water lifts and peace comes through SEEING the light just beyond the trees. Perhaps we then know that there is hope and a place for us to move to just beyond our "safe" little stagnant pond. 

Because, honestly, I do not want to continue my whole life in stagnant water! Moving, growing, changing, and becoming is how our Heavenly Father wants us to progress in this life!

These thoughts came as I was listening to a speech called, "Spiritual Creation" by Andra J. Duke. 

(I definitely recommend it!)

If anyone reads this besides me...thanks for letting me just have a moment to create. It has been a good use of time, because as I write my mind processes the ideas and I get to learn more than when I first sat down! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, this is an amazing video that goes with your thoughts ❤️