Thursday, July 30, 2020

Sharing Testimony Strengthens Faith

Testimony is important beyond comprehension; even my own!
It has been a little over a month since last, and I have witnessed many wonders of the Lord as well as seeing His loving hand in my life--day to day!
I have felt His guiding arm through seemingly difficult circumstances.
I have seen how He has strengthened me in order to be humble and endure experiences well.
I have a firm assurance that He blesses His children (us) and does indeed listen to us.
I have also felt the influence of His spirit, and the closeness of the veil.
Along with that, I know that ministering angels are never far away, and testify of light and truth!
In this past month I have contemplated my own testimony as well as studying and pondering upon the scriptures. My husband pointed out to me that scriptures are basically testimonies upon testimony. I got to thinking this through and realized that apostles and prophets of old, all the way to now have instructed to study and ponder the word of God. By studying the scriptures, thus being one of the forms of His word we attain greater spiritual knowledge, light, faith, and happiness.
Testimony is one way of building faith!!!
This to me was AMAZING!!!
A simple principle finally just made sense and clicked.
I started thinking about why as Children of God and as Followers of Jesus Christ we need to consistently and constantly bear our own special testimonies.
Not only does testifying of truth strengthen others faith in spiritual trials, but it also builds and strengthens our own faith in difficult circumstances which lie ahead.
Diligently growing our faith is so important, for if we are not anxiously engaged in a good cause, or going forward we are not at a stand-still, but we are actively going backwards. 
Hold tight to the truths that you DO know.
Satan would have us second guessing ourselves upon truths that we know to be true; he would have us forsake our precious testimonies and little by little follow him through spiritual mists and darkness.
Hold fast to the ground that you have already won from Satan.

 The Bible, both old and new testament - along with the Book of Mormon bear witness that God lives, He blesses the lives of His children, and He loves each and every one individually. Jesus the Christ is the son of God, the Holy Messiah; He atoned for each of us personally. He knows our struggles, pains, and difficulties throughout this life. He also knows our strengths, joys, and because He knows us in this way He knows how to perfectly succor His people. He runs to the aid of us, he is always knocking at the door, and God does personally speak to us in this latter day. We have the opportunity to CHOOSE to follow the Good Shepherd, we DECIDE to open the door and let Him in, and we have to ACTIVELY open our ears to HEAR HIM; and our eyes to SEE His mighty hand in our life!
This is a painting that I am almost finished with called "With an eye of Faith" It captures a simple child's prayer, as well as encompasses the hope that a little child has while practicing to SEE with the eyes of faith.

    And... some simple, yet beautiful little moments of light and love in the busy days of being a mother to Lillie and Glenn, being a wife to my magnificent husband, and simply trying to be a follower of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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