Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Never stop creating ... Keep moving Forward!

It's been a little while...
and life is CRAZY, but life is SO very good & beautiful all at the same time!!! 
"Ez Big Foot"
Before it was finished
College classes finished a while ago and now that it's summer, as an art major finishing past class projects is now a possibility!! ;) A few weeks ago I had the awesome idea to finished a large figure drawing that I had started of my little brother. (It was his birthday the next day, and I wanted to finish it as a gift for him... brilliant idea!)
My dear friend, Amanda and my wonderful, wonderful Fiance, John offered to help me transport the drawing to my house (about 7 miles)  So, we put the drawing in the back of his truck and started off.
Important lesson learned:
*I now realize that paper gets blown in the wind very easily...even if it is taped to a board; masking tape doesn't hold very well!*
This realization came after we got to Manti and discovered that the drawing was gone.
Life lessons are awesome sometimes... they really stink!
My dramatic self thought I would never find the drawing again...
but the next morning, against a fence along the side of the road we found it!
It was ripped, had tire marks on it, and had been crumpled...but it was found!!!
"Ez Big Foot"
After the adventure
To see the full step-by-step process go HERE
 This taught me an unforgettable lesson as an artist... (well, it taught me many lessons...but...)
Throughout figure drawing Scott Allred had been trying to get me to understand that a drawing is NOT a masterpiece.
I had NO idea how that was even possible to not treat a drawing/painting like a masterpiece!
As an artist you want to spend countless hours on a piece ... sometimes treating it like it was the greatest work ever, or that you'll ever do, but I came to learn that it's just charcoal and paper.
Nothing special.
Sure, time was spent and given to that piece, but life isn't finished and creating can still be done!
Life happens... things get ruined, torn, rained on, driven over, and just like this drawing sometimes life can feel like it's ruined.
But it's not!
The thing is ... you are still here!
You're not done!
I think tape and glue are BEAUTIFUL inventions!!!
The drawing was in pieces, but with a bit of tape and a few finishing touches it was put back together!
Not as good as new, but it did have
Without trials, life lessons, disappointments, set backs, heart-aches, and mountains to climb there would be no character.
It is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I am a firm believer that character contributes...thus creating beauty! 
Life lessons come in varying shapes and sizes... but
You must CHOOSE to see the possibilities,
Don't get discouraged,
Keep moving forward,
NEVER stop creating art, beauty, kindness, or your LIFE!
look upward
Keep being YOU!!!

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