Monday, February 10, 2020

Do Not Put the Rose Under the Microscope!

Just a few thoughts and insights on letting go, giving our unreasonable desires to God, and enjoying the growth and journey our Heavenly Father has given to each of His children!
The Rose is a beautiful flower from any  r e a s o n a b l e  perspective!
Do not put the Rose under the microscope!
Image result for rose under a microscope
Rose under a microscope (Google images)
Looking back through my flower photography and found a few images of roses!
When you put a Rose under a microscope it ALWAYS becomes very ugly. 
The Rose under that kind of magnification does not have the shadows, the change in color to the petals, you can not even see that there is any petals... it just looks like a color, or a pattern!
Sure, there may be some beauty to a botanist or scientist viewing a flower under microcope, but to an every day person viewing a Rose under that kind of magnification does not do any justice to the Rose. 
This is a wonderful lesson for me! 
One that I do not think I have ever even thought of before, until yesterday at a church meeting with Elder Kearon of the Presidency of The Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 
Many times we tend to put our own selves, our friends, and those around us under a microscope. We end up scruntinizing, belittling, and picking apart ourselves and others, by putting something beautiful under a microscope. 
Don't put the Rose under the microscope!
None of us can even stand being put under a microscope, but we still do it.
God did not intend for us to live life unhappy, sad, unsatisfied, and He did not intend for us to put His children under such magnifying. 
Many times we think to ourselves that we just are not good enough... and you know, we came from Heaven before this life. 
We came to this Earth to learn, to grow, and gain a physical body to house our spirits. 
We came to be able to choose God and return to live with Him again!
We came to learn and become because we are not good enough...that is why we are here!!!
Think of it this way ...
A child does not go to learn the piano from his teacher because he is already good enough; a child goes to piano lessons because he is not good enough -- the child goes to learn something new! 
Not so that he can be belittled and put under a microscope.
We must let go of wanting to be perfect because it is not yet a reasonable goal. 
We must stop putting the Rose under the microscope! 
Enjoy the journey, and embrace the learning and growing opportunities that we do have, given to us by our merciful, and loving Heavenly Father!!!
We have to make mistakes and we must be willing to accept the uncomfortable situation of learning, becoming, and growing into the person that our Father in Heaven KNOWS we can and have the potential to become. 
The other picture of roses that I had in my photography portfolio

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