Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Believe, Having Faith in God & Be Comforted!

Some days are indeed better than others. 
Some days I do not feel that my emotions are crazy, but there are days where I seem to have the most unstable emotions ever! 
Last night was one of those nights... and whether it is because of my being pregnant or not ... either way moments of instability and weakness always have a way of me being left feeling alone, in the wrong, and far away from God. 
However, because of my emotional instability last night I was able to gather insight that I have never recognized before in Ether 12
This chapter in The Book of Mormon is ALL about FAITH and believing in God, Hope in a better world, and Charity; which is the Pure love of God!
Ether 12:4 really got to me .. "[...] whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world [...] which hope cometh of faith maketh an anchor to the souls of men [... making] them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God." 
This verse got me thinking, if I had faith in God last night? I was not hopefull of very much at all! I did not see good works abounding in anything, and so much was just sorrowful to me. I felt ungrateful, alone, and very much like everything I had worked for did not even matter. Honestly, I did not have too much faith in the Lord my God to deliver me from the sadness which seemed to overwhelm my soul. This brought about despair...I could not hope for a better night, a better tomorrow because FAITH is the key to HOPE! 
However God IS merciful... going on in the chapter "[...] ye recieve no witness until after the trial of your faith." Ether 12:6
"[...] have hope, and be partakers of the gift, if ye will but have hope." Ether 12:9
In this chapter Moroni is the one writing this and he goes on to talking about all the mighty people who have had experiences with faith and working miracles THROUGH faith in God! He talks about the brother of Jared and how his writings and testifyings of faith and miracles and of God is beautiful and very powerful because of his strength in writing. 
"[...] when we write we behold our weakness, and stumble because of the placing of our words; and I fear [...]" Ether 12:25 This verse caught my attention because here Moroni is kind of comparing his ability to other prophets writings and he has so much fear about writing anything down, he begins to fear his own weakness! This brought me to the attention of my own weakness, and the experience of last night, and of my instability. 
However in response to the fears of Moroni the response of God is kind! He does not chansten him, but he instead comforts him... "and if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness, I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." Ether 12:27
This painting in progress reminds me of weakness, trials, and this life. We cannot avoid the winds, storms, and waves of the sea unless we do not want to grow, learn, and become. We all have to go through difficult times, hard moments, as well as humbling experiences.

God was not going to allow people to mock the words written by Moroni, in his weakness. He instead tells him that if men come unto God then He will show unto them their own weakness, for we all have weakness because of our natural man. We all suffer from fear and we all have weakness!!! This allows us to choose to be humble and as we are humble we can stay connected to God through acting in faith!
"[...] whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world [...] which hope cometh of faith maketh an anchor to the souls of men [... making] them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God." Ether 12:4
By acting in Faith we gain hope, which allows faith in God to anchor our souls allowing us to be steadfast, abounding in good works, which then will lead us to glorify God and testify of Him! Through my experience and study this morning I could not just leave it at gaingin knowledge, I just had to do something about it...I just had to testify of my God; He IS merciful and does not always chasten His children, but He does comfort as well in times of need!
By Humbling ourselves to the Lord and having FAITH in Him weakness can be made strong. I believe that this does not mean that I will all of a sudden have no emotional challenges, or instability, but this means that THROUGH emotional struggles (pregnant or not) I may be made stronger--and that my Faith in Him will grow and strengthen ...By turning to the Lord my fears, instability, and weakness will help me to testify of the Lord, my God; allowing me to become an instrument in His hands!!!
Here is the link to Ether 12:

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