Friday, May 12, 2017

Look at your Life Through Heavens Eyes!!!

Honestly...It has been too long...the past few months have gone by SUPER fast...
School is now over, and the fantastic adventure of summer has begun. 
Just fair warning before you continue on with this post... it may be long, and maybe a bit of rambling that may make no sense at all!!!
But anyways... here goes :)
Life is difficult.
 if you weren't aware of that little fact then... spoiler!
But life is hard; no matter your background, where you've been... truth is life is going to be challenging for you.
Sometimes, an easy life sounds awesome, but the truth is ... living a challenging life is SO very fulfilling!!!
I mean, if you live a mediocre life your challenges are going to be different than if you live a life on purpose, that is full of purpose. 

Either way you are still going to have challenges!

That to me is a CRAZY fact... one that is often times over looked too!!!
Why not just live an epic life?!? 
A life full of purpose, meaning, adventure, service, love, growth...
Why not just live the life you've been given, the BEAUTIFUL life that is truly a blessing ... why not live a fantastic story???
Well, you might say... I just have NO idea what the future holds... I don't want to make the wrong decisions, so I'll not make any decisions... Life right now is SUPER nice, I don't want to enter into an uncomfort zone... 
If you have ever had any of these thoughts, or fears then ... you are NOT alone!
I have thought the same things, I have struggled with the same fears... and many, many other human beings have gone through the same struggles for centuries, and they still go through them every day.
One quote that I find profound is one by Gordon B. Hinckley:
"We know not what lies ahead of us. 
We know not what the coming days will bring. 
We live in a world of uncertainty. 
For some, there will be great accomplishment. 
For others, disappointment. 
For some, much of rejoicing and gladness, good health, and gracious living. 
For others, perhaps sickness and a measure of sorrow. 
We do not know. 
But one thing we do know. 
Like the polar star in the heavens, regardless of what the future holds, there stands the Redeemer of the world, the Son of God, certain and sure as the anchor of our immortal lives. 
He is the rock of our salvation, our strength, our comfort, the very focus of our faith.
In sunshine and in shadow we look to Him, and He is there to assure and smile upon us."
- CH. 8 "We Look to Christ"
The answer is simple. We must look at our life through Heavens eyes!!!

This beautiful song only reminds me that I cannot see what my life is worth, or where my value lies...I MUST look at my life through Heavens eyes. I must be humble enough to realize that I cannot make anything amazing of my life without the divine help of my Father in Heaven, and my Savior, Jesus Christ! I cannot make anything of my life, for without them I would not have the beautiful gift and blessing of even being alive.
To be alive is precious!
God truly has bigger and better plans for my life than I had ever planned for myself!
That truth is something that I've been learning slowly, and this year it has been a HUGE theme in my life!
That is THE most fantastic thing about looking at life through my Heavenly Father's eyes...Everything begins to make sense, and challenges are made beautiful to be able to go through, only through the Christ is EVERYTHING made possible. 
Looking at life through Heavens eyes changes your perspective on everything!
To struggle, to learn, and grow is no longer a dreaded task that comes with being alive, but it starts to become a GLORIOUS blessing!!!
...and though you may not know all the steps you must learn to join the dance!!!
So, my friends if this made no sense... you MUST choose today how you are going to live the life that you've been given. 
You MUST decide to come to personally know your Father in Heaven and everything that He has done for you, personally; that is crucial! 
You must learn to join in the dance of life...even though you may not know where you will end up...take that leap of faith. 
You must come to know for yourself that you have a loving Father who knows you, and a Savior who has gone through everything that you may be struggling with; He has felt the things you are feeling this very moment and He will NOT leave you alone and comfortless. 
I know that for a fact. 
I know that because I have experienced the peace and the comfort when I have felt alone!
Keep smiling, 
Look through Heavens eyes, 
Learn to join the dance!!!

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