Friday, February 28, 2020

The day was m a d e for Y O U -- y o u were n o t made for the day!

There are times when I start to believe that life is hard, and there really is not anything that is meaningful and life changingly important in life. I have gone through points where I have thought that everything is meaningless and I am not happy, nor can I become happy.
Many have also felt this way... resulting in just merely living day after day, doing the same thing over and over again...just trying to have enough motivation to get through tomorrow! 
I know that I have felt this way a lot in early college. 
Even the reasons to smile and to stay happy through each day became more and more difficult. 
I feel like this type of thinking, this kind of experience is normal to humanity.
You know why?!
Because, I believe that there is something to be learned from this kind of hardship.
All summed up in this quote,
Image result for our choices define us quote
The characteristic that I had to learn while in college was this very thought, that I got to CHOOSE just how my morning, my day, my semester was going to be.
There may be those people who have many, many abilities but it is only by choosing and making that decision to sieze the day that we can learn who we truly are.
We then learn a bit more about our own potential!
As humans, and each of us as children of God we have potential to be happy... The day was made for YOU to decide what to do with it, you were not made just so that the day could dictate whether you were going to have a good day or a bad day.
I have heard many people complain and say, "When I get married, when I am skinny, when I have a real job then I will be happy..." 
The problem with this thinking is placing happiness on a thing, on an event, on a person, or even on circumstances. 
Placing such a precious thing on something fleating is something that will lead to happy one moment and feelings of worthless the next. 
1 Nephi 17:21-22 Lamen and Lemual are complainging about their afflictions in journeying through the wilderness, and the very last sentance in verse 21 is, "...and we might have been happy." and then they go on to say,"...our father...hath led us away..."
These two thoughts and ideas are SO IMPORTANT!
First, Lamen and Lemual were placing their happiness on riches, their old home, inheritance, on things!
As we place our happiness upon THINGS we are choosing to be acted upon, not using the God given gift of being an agent, but rather becoming an object -- acted upon by life and the whims of the world.
The one line in verse 22 is very important because AGAIN they are choosing to place their happiness and worth on another person, not their own actions! They began to blame another person for the trials that they had to go through...again thinking of themselves as OBJECTS!
Seeing ourselves as objects is dangerous because it puts us right where Satan, or the adversary wants us...feeling belittled, worthless, too little to really DO anything about changing a situation.
In reality, God gave us a brain, he gives us guidance through many things to be able to make choices and use the potential we have been blessed to have to change.
Repentance simply means to change, to turn -- by changing our thoughts and actions, or turning to God is in simpleness to repent!
The truth is Christ lived, died and rose again for each of us so that we could change, not be subjected to living as an object; being acted upon.
You were NOT made for the day to decide what it was going to do with you ... but the day was made so that YOU could choose the LIGHT of Christ, bringing TRUE and UNWAVERING happiness!  
 (Here is some smiles to brighten your day from my silly, smiley Lil)
Sieze THIS Day
--T O D A Y--
Choose Christ
a n d
CHOOSE happiness

{ Come follow me discussions go along perfectly! Here are a couple really good questions:
Why do you need to know about Satan’s lies? What will you do when the adversary tries to deceive you?

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