Friday, February 14, 2020

Love is an Action Due to Charity...

(I wrote a simular post on my Sketchbook some of this may be repetative, but I think it is important! This post will not be specifically about art, or painting, but more about my thoughts on the subjects at hand.) Here is the link to that post:
To create is to give a glimpse of what is inside of you! 
To create is to love!
(I just had to throw in something about love, since it is Valentines day.)
You see, the way I see it is that Valentines Day is not only a day to love an eternal someone, or romance. 
You can show kindness which is a form of love to anyone! 
You can create love in anything that you do! 
Love is only an action that is given due to a deeper internal emotion ... a deep feeling of Charity or another way to think of it is gratitude. 
Charity is the Pure love of Christ and through charity kindness and gratitude is born!
It is through and because of Jesus Christ that we have the hope and the light in this world to even love, and serve one another! Because of Jesus Christ and the infinite love that he showed to each of us all mankind can return again to our Heavenly Father!
This gratitude can be gratitude for a certain person, gratitude for a simple smile or kind action, Gratitude for our Father and our creator in Heaven, gratitude for the warmth in the sun and the grass beginning to sprout...and gratitude for new beginnings.
Love is more complex, yet much more simple than we give it credit for being!
Love is not grand, it is pure, simple, full of gratitude, humble, and creates an atmosphere of HOPE!
"Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
Charity never faileth [...]"
1Corinthians 13:4-8

To love is vulnerability at its greatest and to create is to love.
 To create is such a vulnerable action because it show-cases dreams, thoughts, feelings, worries, pain, and joy!!!
For instance the contrast in each one of these stair paintings depicts three very specific feelings the happiness in the sheep scene, the sorrow and a little bit of worry in the lonely mountains, and then the hope, joy and new life in the liveliness that the bright, lovely daffodills bring! 
We are always creating something!
Creating reflects thoughts, moods, and feelings.
Creating inspires learning, loving also inspires learning and growth!
Many times in college and high-school I had to remind myself that love is not only romantic, it is service, kindness, creativity, and even on days like Valentines it is especially important to remember that ...
Love can be shown in ALL things. 
As we live, learn, and grow we create things each and every day -- whether it is a space in a home, a baby, a drawing, a love of learning, a love of God, or even just in creating an atmosphere around you!
Love, Charity, and Thanksgiving can abound!
I just had to share these photos of Lillie and the horse next door, as we were leaving she would turn and wave, saying "I wuv you!" This happened about 10 times!
She constantly reminds us that she has love for all those around her!!!
Happy Valentines Day!'

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