Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Last Roomie Photoshoot

Finally uploaded the photos that we took from our photoshoot over finals week!!! Here are a few of the photos ... I'll work on getting more up :)
I love my roommates so much!! All of the zumba/dance parties in our living room, burnt brownies, and chick flick nights were unforgettable!!! 
These lovelies could seriously be models ... they are BEAUTIFUL both inside & out ;) 

I am so grateful to have been able to learn and grow throughout the semester with these girls... I learned so much from each of them; and they each were unique and beautiful in their own way!!
Isabelle (we didn't get any pictures of her... ) but she had THE most AMAZING laugh, and she was hilarious and her playfulness was seriously contagious!
Ann was so SUPER smart!! Holy wow... she was devoted to learning, studying, and had pretty schnazzy dance moves!!!
Tallie was THE sweetest. She always incorporated everyone, and our random karaoke nights were SPECTACULAR!!!!
Nicole...oh, Nicole... She was the most spontaneous, always up for anything!!! She was always so willing to share anything...her car, food, clothes...she brought so much to the semester... if it weren't for her I don't think we would have had as many people come over to our apartment either! ^_^  
These girls are my sisters, and I have grown to love them so much!!!
Have you ever had anyone in your life who has been an influence in your own story? 
Thank you so much for reading, and if you have a few minutes I'd love to hear your own experiences, or thoughts!!!
No matter how small you think your part is, just remember that even the smallest things can leave a HUGE impact in a persons life!
Have a lovely day,
Don't EVER lose our SMILE, 
Keep being YOU!!! 

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