Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Find Rest Unto Your Souls -- lowly in heart

 To be offended is a very human experience. 

We live in a world where being offended is just another response to our everyday relationships. Many times I have ended up overthinking words and actions done and said by others, and in the end resulting in being at least a little bit offended. 

Since meeting my dearest sweetheart, John I have been drawn to his charm of having a happy disposition, and his eternal perspective. I wanted this type of outlook on life. He seemed so at peace with everything that came his way! He seemed to never take offense personally, and in the three years we have been married I have thought this attribute is very admirable! I have wanted to have that quality too. I did not want to always be worried about how I was taking things, or even how I was perceiving situations and relationships with others. But how did I begin to learn about this consistent peace? How was I suppose to see how to incorporate this attribute into my own way of becoming? 

Through God given AHA moments! Moments where the Spirit of God brings light, understanding, and knowledge to your mind; as you are seeking to know and understand! This perspective and way of living does not just happen. It is a CONSTANT decision. The peace that is seen in John is a blessing given from God. It is a Christlike attribute only gained through diligence, persistence, and with heavenly help.

Choose to let light and knowledge into your life!

Choose to SEE the light!

Many events do not go to plan. Many people do and say things that we cannot have an influence upon. However, one thing that we CAN do is we can determine how WE will act. We can choose to be offended, or we can choose not to be. This personal decision is a practice in God's gift of agency. This choice is also known as being meek and lowly in heart. The world would have us believe that the characteristic of being / becoming meek is weak, or even passive. 

"Meekness is strong, not weak; active, not passive; courageous, not timid; restrained, not excessive; modest, not self-aggrandizing; and gracious, not brash. A meek person is not easily provoked, pretentious, or overbearing and readily acknowledges the accomplishments of others."

David A. Bednar - 2018 General Conference talk: 

The way the contemporary world would view meekness, and how the Lord views the Christlike attribute is so different. Satan would have us believe that to be meek is being lazy, or shows others that we are really weak in heart.

 The Lord declares in Doctrine and Covenants 19:23, "Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my spirit, and you shall have peace in me." 

To be meek is to truly CHOOSE to think the best of others, choosing not to take offense, and to give people the benefit of the doubt! I realized the characteristic John has is to be meek! His way of living was so magnetizing to me because, as stated in the scripture to be meek brings PEACE through the spirit of God! We receive the promised blessing of peace and rest to our searching and yearning souls.  "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls." Matthew 11:29 As we take the yoke of Christ upon us we are deciding to consistently learn of Him; we are choosing to come unto Him - to yoke ourselves up with the Savior of the world, the master healer, our Lord and Redeemer. 

As we strive to minister like Christ, emulating how He taught we will be able to find the peace and rest that our souls LONG to find. We each crave the joy, happiness, and peace that only can be found through our Savior, and Redeemer; Jesus Christ! We can choose a holier way, we can choose the road less traveled by, we can choose to unite with Christ. That will make ALL the difference.

We, like Amulek (From the Book of Mormon) can willingly submit to the Lords CALL as well as give of ourselves and seek His WILL. Accept the journey of becoming meek. To be lowly in heart is not ever going to be easy; we will have to choose to leave behind our comfortable circumstances, and our familiar relationships. But as we go forth with Faith in God He will bless us with an eternal perspective; strong, and disciplined self-restraint to act for ourselves rather than to react. We will assuredly be blessed to gain a settled and calm demeanor; meek is what we will become as choosing to be disciples of Christ. 

Choose to SEE the best in others. Choose to SEE the hand of the Lord in your life; everyday! Choose to hear His voice. Choose light! Choose happiness and Choose to Come Unto Him!

Thoughts about this weeks studies in the Book of Mormon, found in the Come Follow Me manual below:     

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