Wednesday, October 10, 2018

what if the Battle is THE miracle

Oh my! 
It has almost been a year since writing on here . . . life has continued on and there has been so much that has happened during the school season, as well as through the summer.
One goal that I do want to accomplish on this blog is focusing on the tender mercies, little blessings, and the hand of the Lord in my life throug the weeks.
( rambling may take place . . . a little bit)
Life is such a journey, and I would not change any of the stuggles, battles, and even blessings for anything in the world; God knows what He is doing. He knows the individual experiences and lessons that each of us, His children NEED!
I guess I should explain a little about what has been going on for the past nine-ish months. In March we found out that John and I were going to have a baby! Super crazy, because I was NOT expecting that we would find this out for a while yet!
Here are a few pictures of our little Jelly-Bean's journey and growth!

  Along with going through the 1st trimester, on top of that I still had to finish finals. Not my most favorite thing, you see that is why this blog has not heard of the news until now, just a month before her due date!
However, I do want to share a little bit of a story with you about battles, trials, struggles, hard things . . . whatever you want to call them!
There was once a man who was fighting a battle. Along with fighting it diligently and nobly he asked the Father if he would take this from him, if he would be so kind and give him the strength to end this battle. No matter how hard he tried he could not defeat the fight that he was fighting. He was weary, beaten, discouraged, and at last he turned to God and pleaded, asking "Why can I not get rid of this battle? It has been long, hard, it is ugly, and I do not want it! Why can I not have just one little miracle!?" God spoke to this man's heart and said,"Would you have me take away the very thing that has kept you humble, teachable, and even the very thing that may save you?" The young man thought about the answer he had been given. He turned to God again, but instead of asking to be rid of the struggle and to instead be given the miracle of releasing him from his battle, the young man pleaded with God to allow him to see his battle as God saw it; the miracle.
This story was just so beautiful that I had to share it, because not one of us here on this earth are exempt from trials, struggles, battles, or hard things!
Many times, my friends the miracle IS the battle that you are fighting; that is what's keeping you humble & it may even save you!
What would change if you chose to see your hard things as a miracle?
Keep moving forward,
Share YOUR light,
Be You Bravely!

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