Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Finding Focus

I found this post that I had written back in February, yet never posted. So, here's a crazy story now!
"Lost Focus"
    John and I were talking earlier last week about how predictable our lives were lately. 
I LOVE John SO much! He is such a wonderful husband, and truly is my best friend, but at times you end up getting in the routine of loving someone, taking classes, or simply living life. This way of living takes the personal choice out of living life. I guess you can say that in these moments focus is lost.
    The next day I was getting ready to drive with John to work, we got in the car and I remember getting dizzy, losing focus, and the next thing I know I woke up looking out of the car at an ambulance. Weirdest thing ever. Not the normal event that normally happens on a Wednesday afternoon. I remember getting tons, and tons of questions...super easy questions, from the medical people around me, but for some reason I could not think of how to answer these simple questions. I woke up a second time right next to the hospital, in the car with John. He took me into the hospital where they tried to find out what had happened. 
    Apparently, what had happened was that I had had a siezure. At the time, John had no idea what was going on with me, except that his wife was not ok. He, being a priesthood holder, gave me a blessing and immediately after the blessing I stopped siezing. Through the week doing normal, everyday things has been rough, and a part of the cons is I have no clue about what I had learned in my classes that day, or even the conversations that I had at all. It's been fun. 
    One thing I did learn was a different perspective. 
    I testify that God IS aware of each and every one of us. The Priesthood power IS real, and has blessed me in my life in SO many ways! Our Heavenly Father looks out for us, and He knows what is best. It may be hard at times, but life is hard...that part does not change. What changes is our reaction to the struggle. 

"Rose Colored Perspective"

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