Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Choices Define Us

 Have you ever felt fear?
Probably, in most cases...we all have!
It's a very human emotion and quite normal to feel.
Most everyone has felt fear of some sort.
OK, I LOVE to be different, but also thrive on being accepted by those who are around me...
a people pleaser.
I love being able to set new goals and accomplish them against all odds, and one of the most enjoyable things is being able to see someone close to me pleased with my efforts.
Thinking up a goal, or awesome ideas is really easy for me...but a lot of the time the hardest part is getting started. Most of the time this happens with my art; drawings and paintings.
I have moticed that sometimes my ideas scare me so much that I end up never starting them at all; ending up in never starting anything new.
You see, the fear of messing up on a painting, or drawing trumps the journey to learn and create.
 Somehow, everytime an idea pops into my head, also the opposite creeps directly behind. This opposite feeling tends to darken the memories of the magnificent journeies that I had embarked on everytime I begin a new painting.
It may seem silly, but it is also SO real.
Discouragement & Fear are R E A L !
 The fear of never being good enough, never having anything just right; that fear will NEVER allow you to ever step outside of your comfort zone.
The  m o s t  growth happens outside of your comfort zone!
It's hard.
It's scary, but it allows each of us to be the magnificent children of God that we were sent here to become!
It's SO very worth it!!!
• • •
I noticed this process happening with a new idea of a painting.
It had been almost a year since painting a human in oil, and I did not have the confidence in being able to make a decent paint... but I needed something to occupy my time!

Desperation fuels  a c t i o n !

( P.S. to see the progress in this painting visit: BriarRose Art Blog: Fear of Progression )
It sure is not perfect, but throughout this journey I have learned a lot! 
I learned that I should never fear my abilities, God knows how to help you learn the lessons that will help you! 
This remindes me of a quote by Albus Dumbledore, 
"It is our CHOICES that show who we truly are far more than our ABILITIES."
By CHOOSING to conquer your fears you are allowing yourself to  l e a r n  , to  g r o w  , and 
to  u n d e r s t a n d  how your Heavenly Father truly speaks to 
• • •
What fears are you willing to face this year?

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