Monday, December 4, 2017

Cranberries, Popcorn, & YOU are a child of God

The First Snowfall of the Season...
It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

My last Photo challenge last month did not last more than a day. 
and you know, my first response to that would be to tell myself that I am terrible...and can't finish anything I start, even a small thing like that!
That is exactly what a lot of us would do. 
We would turn to tear our own selves apart.
I ask myself so often, why?
Why do we treat ourselves worse than any other human?
Why does our society tear ourselves apart when we aren't everything we hope to be?
Tearing yourself down is taking away any learning experience that could have been, and taking away any progress we have made. It's like building a building. Starting out and along the way laying down the wrong color of brick, a miscalculation or due to not paying enough attention. 
Does that builder get so discouraged that he tears down the whole structure? 
You take what you can from that situation and 
l e a r n
Falling forward...
Failing forward is one of the hardest things to understand. 
But just like anyone else you must forgive everyone (including you) of the small miscalculations we end up making all the time!
I know... that was kind of a random rant, but you know, reminders to LOVE are AWESOME!
"Love thy neighbor as thyself." - Mathew 22:39
To love is one of THE most important things, loving those people around us is SUPER important; everyone is a child of God. Sometimes though, we forget that we are as well a chid of God!!!!
He took the time to make you...the marvelous you that you are...He is working in your life, and loving you so infinately so!!! Whether you see His hand in your life right now or not I testify that He is aware, and He does love you with all of His heart!
You are a Daughter/Son of God!
Allow what was, 
Embrace what is, 
and Shape what is to come!
Enjoy the little snowy moments. 
Remind yourself  d a i l y  that you are a precious child of God, our Father in Heaven!!!
Light the World!!!!

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