Thursday, November 9, 2017

Something to SMILE About

I've decided to do a 25 day gratitude journal, along with a photography challenge ... I've decided to use my blog! So, each day will have a post and a random picture!
Day #1: 
{ What made YOU  s m i l e  today ? }
thinking back on today... so many things have put a smile on my face! 
Choosing just one though... This morning ballet was AWESOME! 
Bodies are  a m a z i n g  ... my body is AMAZING!
Just being able to move, dance, and run made me smile! 
Sometimes, when I'm not in the right mindset, ballet is terrible. Provoking comparing thoughts and tearing at myself...with everything.
But when in the right mindset, and being 100% present ballet is a way for me to connect with my body as well as a time of medetation, and it helps me be able to express my gratitutde to my Father in Heaven for my body and the ability I have to inspire, and put a smile on someone elses face!!!
This last part is essential in order for ballet to be beneficial in my life... realizing that there is something more than just trying to achieve perfection, in anything. 
I LOVE this quote ... it helps put our individual journey into perspective.
"...except for Jesus, there have been no flawless performances on this earthly journey we are pursuing, so while in mortality...strive for steady improvement without obsessing... We should avoid that excessive expectation of ourselves and of others..." 
--Elder Holland, Be Ye Therefore Perfect -- Eventually.
"all about  f o c u s"
Each of our individual journey's are so unique...
it really does depend on how and what we CHOOSE to  f o c u s  on.  
A way that I have found that helps me not obsess over "perfection" is focusing more on making another person smile...striving to put a smile on a persons face!
That's THE best part about life... Making someone else smile!!!
Now that I have noticed what made me smile... 
my goal for the rest of the day???
Put a SMILE on someone elses face!!!
 My friends...
Take a moment just to recognize what made YOU smile today,
NEVER lose that  b e a u t i f u l  smile!!!
L o v e ,  BriarRose
Fun fact: focusing on gratitude brings HOPE and LIGHT to a dreary day!

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