Saturday, November 4, 2017

To Love Another Person is to See the Face of God

I'm sure someone once said at some point in time,
To love is an awfully BIG adventure--
and that really is the truth!
Have you ever had those moments where you just love someone so much that it hurts?
Or you love someone with a piece of your heart and at some point you have to let that person go, and at the same time a piece of your heart goes with them?
loving is hard.
and you know...that's ok!
So much of the time we think...or hope that loving would be easier, but let me share some thoughts...
When our hearts are breaking because the love we feel for someone we care about is so deep...sometimes we think there is something wrong with us. Sometimes we want to "fix" ourselves, take back the piece of our hearts and just go on with life as if that person were never there. 
Other times we are ambitious and want to take back that piece of our hearts so that we can give our whole heart to serve God fully.
Not every kind of love is equal.
Deep, charitable, true, unconditional love goes beyond struggles, trials, hardships, dissappointments...everything. That is the love that builds, teaches, and inspires so very much!
In the well known story Les Miserables by Victor Hugo there's a quote from a song,
"To love another person is to see the face of God."
What if the very act of giving pieces of our heart to those people we love, serve, and care about so much is in essence the very act of serving God?
What if giving so much of our hearts away is the very thing that makes them whole?
"When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." 
-Mosiah 2:17 
As we truly love and serve there's a precious miracle that takes place, we get a little glimpse of heaven; a glimpse of how our Lord and Savior sees.
photo credit: pinterest
"To love another person is to see the face of God."
Love is hard.
Love hurts.
that's ok because love is also...
kind, pure, patient, selfless, and beautiful!
My friends, 
Life is tough, but so are YOU!
Be YOU bravely
Never lose your SMILE!!!
l o v e , BriarRose

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