Friday, January 10, 2020

A Dream That Will Need All the Love You Can Give

This morning was one of those mornings where your little one year old, who has discovered she LOVES any kind of drawing, painting, or utensil just has to try scribbling on paper ALL morning long! She would draw and then hand me the pen to draw, so I decided to sketch her... in the end it actually looked something like her and as a mother this, you-then-me drawing session was a beautiful memory in the midst of a painful tooth-growing night and morning. 
Lillie the Little Artist
This song has been on my mind for the past week, and I must share it. You may recognize it from The Sound of Music! 
Climb every mountain
search high and low
follow every by-way
every path you know

A dream that will need
all the love you can give
every day of your life
for as long as you live
Right now these stanzas basically sums up motherhood, being a wife, a person, being and becoming anything! But being a mom is a 24/7 job and luckily I have another person to share it with, but having little children is not something you can just walk away from; and I do not think it is something I would want to walk away from because in all honesty...I chose it. I made a decision to love, nurture, inspire, and this dream of mine will need ALL the love and determination that I can give... every single day of my life for as long as I live! 
You know, a letter from President Russell M. Nelson was sent out and in this email there is a line that pertains perfectly with my thoughts, and feelings. "God loves all of His children and has a vision for each of us. Just as He listened to Joseph's prayer in 1820, He listens to you and yearns to speak with you through the Spirit."
Just like a parent wants to teach, inspire, and nurture our Father in Heaven also has those same feelings...because He loves us!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Briar Rose, I've been reading your post and my heart is lifted in reading your thoughts and experiences as a mother and wife and daughter of our Heavenly Father. I'm so proud of you ... life is full of joys, challenges, love, heartaches, disappointments and awe and wonder. You are doing it all with your eyes and your heart focused on the Lord... I applaud you my sweet granddaughter, with all my love.