Monday, January 6, 2020

Testimony The eyes to see mercies of the Lord

Good morning!!!
It has been a very long while...
the reason why I have not written anything lately is probably best explained by feelings of seclusion, along with feelings of not having much to be worthy of saying. 
Satan likes to put thoughts of seclusion, or loneliness into minds...and as those seeds are planted the reality of the thoughts and lies start to actually grow and become. 
By believing that I had nothing worthy to say I actually started to seclude my own self!
Latley, I have been thinking rather a lot about this predicament and this morning as I started yet again to wake up early and study in the Book of Mormon, Bible, and Doctrine and Covenants.
As I acted in this endeavor, understanding, and some enlightenment came gradually, yet steadily. 
I found a line in scripture that made sense to my heart, Mormon 3:3
"...[the people] did not realize that it was the Lord that had spared them, and granted unto them a chance for repentance. ..."
Just like these people had not realized the Lord and His mercies and goodness towards them, inviting all to come unto Him, I too have not had the eyes to SEE the blessings, mercies, and goodness of the Lord my God. 
I have tried to be a good person, to be Christlike but it is also by sharing thoughts, feelings, and testimony about the Savior that we allow our hearts to soften and grow!
This blog became a spot for me to write down my growing, learning, and ever deepening testimony of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
As I have neglected writing down my feelings sue to excuses of being too busy, tiredness, lonliness, and so on... I also have not shared my feelings of the blessings in my life with those around me, I have also failed to FIND my reasons to SMILE; to know that my God is a God of miracles, and that He is there and aware. 
I do not think I have a mighty, wonderous, or magnificent testimony but I do have a simple knowedge that this life is a time to prepare to live again with our Father in Heaven. I may not know everything there is to know about the gospel doctrine, or even random facts of the gospel of Jesus Christ but I do know that ALL things denote and lead to reminding us of our divine destiny, our divine origins, and that there is indeed a Christ; Son of a living God, Savior of the world, and the Prince of Peace!
So, whether people read this post, or even this blog is really not even a concern to me... this blog helps me to REMEMBER my testimony of Jesus Christ, and it is here to remind me that there is hope and happiness ahead.
So, do not give up... your words have worth and meaning.
You too are a child of God.
There may be times that are hard, lonely, and difficult...
just remember, The sun ALWAYS comes out through the clouds in its always does!!!
There are ALWAYS reasons to SMILE!!!
Never lose your SMILE!
Just some moments where I did have reasons to smile these past months!

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