Tuesday, August 13, 2019

I Have Prayed For Thee ...

Just have to say something about this beautiful piece of art. I want to be that kind of mom. I want to have the faith to be that kind of woman, as well as wife and child of God ... firmly rooted in the Rock, the redeemer of the world, my Savior, Jesus Christ. I want to choose that light that can dispell all darkness, I want to ALWAYS choose the side of Jesus Christ, the side of prayer...because there IS power in communicated with our divine Father in Heaven. 
July was a month where I decided to start pondering and memorizing a scripture that embodies the theme that I am trying to focus on right now; Faith. The verse that I chose was, Luke 22:32 "But I have Prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy bretheren." 
This scripture embodies what it means to be a mother, for me. The time that we have as parents, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, etc is SO crucial. We all NEED the divine help and guidance in each of our lives and with each of our endeavors. This verse has also taught me that I cannot just live life on a whim, expecting to just be magically on the Lord's side in the very end. NO! The part of the scripture where it says "I have prayed for thee..." I try and pray for my Lillie... and you know what, God is also a parent and God probably prays harder and longer for me, for you...for each and every one of His individual children.Just like each of our children are going to go through challenging times, and many different tribulations -- we, God's spirit children are here in mortality ... we are not physical being , but we are Spiritual beings having a physical experience! God wants us to continue learning of truth, and righteousness ...growing in conversion continually. He also wants us to teach and strengthen those around us; just like every other parent on this earth...wanting their children to get along and learn from eachother and teach one another.
I was touched by this thought, combined with the above photo from Al Fox via Instagram :
"Often when we think of families we think of the here & the hereafter. 
It’s not often we stop and think that we were all united together already before here. 
And this has nothing to do with giving birth or not, but overall. 
Whether in reference to your parents and siblings, in reference to those that you adopt or foster, 
members of the church or not, alive or not yet or no longer, etc. 
It doesn’t necessarily matter how our families are brought together here on earth,
but that we existed & interacted & loved beforehand. 
My point is that we are not alone. 
Not only is God absolutely always, at all times mindful of us, 
but that He has blessed us with those on both sides of the veil as well,
watching over & cheering for us. Unseen protection & guidance from those anxious to be born, and from those already passed.
My point is we need to take care of each other! We are together for a reason. 
How we spend our time with those in our family & extended family, the ways we act & react with them, & the opportunities we take to teach & extend love is crucial. 
My point is this is not the start of me and my soon to be child.
This life is not the start of you.
Let’s refocus, often, on who we truly are & what we need to be doing. 
Refocus on the reality of being a living soul that can never die. 
We have ‘forever’ built into our genes. 
We need to take care of ourselves because we are meant for so much more than just this. 
What we do matters. Who we are and what we’re a part of has real meaning. 
Deep roots that extend far beyond this sphere. 
Roots that should drive our priorities & effect what we do daily with our life." -Al Carraway
CHOOSE to be rooted in Christ, the LIGHT, and the LIFE of the world! Build upon the ROCK which is Christ, our Redeemer, our Savior, our Lord! If we are built and rooted in Christ we can NEVER be led astray. 

Happy 9 months old!!!


Happy 2nd Anniversary!
For more inspiring art:
For more thoughts from Al Carraway visit her instagram: 

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