Thursday, March 9, 2017

Flaws are Apart of the Masterpiece

You know those mornings where you just wake up, you greet the world, and you notice how the sun dances across your face...or how the golden light from a sunrise just warms your heart?!
Noticing the beautiful simple moments, the reasons to SMILE!
Lately, that has been my life!
you know what?
It feels WONDERFUL!!!
Life is beautiful.
It's not perfect, but it's in progress.
And that is what's important about life, about living each day...the fact that you are alive, experiencing the human experience, learning, growing, serving, loving, and even making mistakes. The adversary would have us think that perfection is needed TODAY!
He loves to put doubts and fear into our hearts. He points out every flaw, every imperfection and uses that against us, trying to get us to stop, to not even try.
Flaws are what make the adventure beautiful. They are the opportunity to change, to BECOME ... they teach us HOW we are supposed to enjoy this journey! Because, my friends, this Life is not to be endured, but also be enjoyed.
Just like drawings, paintings, and every art form flaws are apart of the masterpiece. They are apart of the unforgettable part of that story!
We are children of a loving Heavenly Father, and we are indeed His masterpieces.
Just like flaws are apart of an artwork, our flaws are apart of our story
This is one of my favorite spoken word poetry pieces. Give it a listen!

Every time I listen to this I feel just how true it is that we are our Father's Masterpiece!
Just like in the art world erasers are are apart of the GLORIOUS journey. If that is true in art...and the creative process...then it is also true in life!
There is hope!
Just remember, flaws are apart of the journey, they are apart of your individual story, and they are apart of every masterpiece!
You definitely ARE a masterpiece!!!
Keep being YOU bravely,
Take time to notice the simple moments in life,
Never lose your FANTASTIC smile!! 


Unknown said...

This is a wonderful message! I have a friend who is going through some rough stuff, this will really help her.
Happy Birthday BriarRose! I really hope you have a fantastic day!

BriarRose Thompson said...

Oh, Hannah, that makes me so happy!! We all need a reminder at times that everything is ok, and there IS hope! and Thank You so much!!! I miss you <3

Unknown said...

It's true. I miss you too, you are so wonderful, you are such a huge example of Christ in my life, really, thanks for that! <3