Saturday, July 20, 2013

summer fun!

                                         This picture is called, "sprinkler splendor" I took this just out of my house.
                                           The one factor I really liked, and felt like it worked was the sun flare. For me it                                               led my eyes to the sprinklers. All I did to this picture was edit the contrast.
                                          This one is called, "reminds me of fall" I also took this outside of my house.
                                          I took this one nearer to the sunset and I really liked the orange colors with the                                             green, the sky contrasts nicely with the warm and ties the mountains in nicely.
                                          I was getting my camera out and accidentally took this photo, I really liked how
                                          this turned out. I really love the reflecting lamp.
                                           I took this photo and had fun with editing and changing the sky colors.
                                           This one is called, "Stand in Holy Places"
                                          I don't remember where I took this but I was excited because I got a decent                                                 silhouetted picture. I really loved how the sky had some color, too!
                                          This is a picture of my friend, "Kierra" we took these pictures at the Manti                                                     Temple and this one suited her so well. I did change the contrast and sharpened                                              it.
                                          This picture is called, "Sisters" This shows the unique personality of all three and                                            is a really fun shot, I think. Again I just played with the contrast and sharpened                                              it.

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