Thursday, January 1, 2015

Three reasons . . .

Oh My! I absolutely love Rain. 
Although to tell you the truth, it is quite disappointing when you get rain instead of snow for the first couple of weak's in the winter. You see, when I took these pictures I was hoping for snow. Disappointments cloud our ability to see the beauty around us, as well as within.
It wasn't until after I uploaded these photo's onto my computer that I noticed just how beautiful that day was. How truly blessed I am. 
"Rain drops"

"On an adventure"

"Story book world" 
 A couple of months ago I did something I had never done before. I auditioned for Brigham Young University's  dance major program. This was my first time auditioning for anything to do with ballet. It was a unique experience. The day before had been a preview day and I got to take a contemporary class, a ballet class, and I got to watch different rehearsals. (Which included the International Folk Dancing Team. Best Day EvER!)   After that day I was pretty sore. The next day I did not feel at all ready, but I gave it my all. I had thought my ballet classes at Snow College was pretty advanced...but after about a three hour class en pointe I quickly realized that I had only begun to learn about what ballet, and dancing really means. Well after that day I felt like I had done the best I could; but I still felt like I would never make it into the BYU dance major program. I hadn't had as much training as a lot of the other girls there that day. I felt small and insignificant. I had finally seen, and been in a room filled with amazing and talented girls. I was disappointed in myself a bit, which kept me from seeing my strengths, and all that I had learned in those two days.
But that is not the end....there is more!
Last week I was at Savior Of The World and while my ward was eating at Golden Corral my mom texted saying that I had received a letter, informing me that I had been Accepted into BYU's Dance major program. That was a miracle! I was so perplexed, why would they accept me? Although happy at the same time :) The Next day I opened to a scripture in 2 Corinthians 12:8-12 "...For my Strength is made perfect in weakness...For Christ's Sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong." Reading that helped me realize, yet again, that when we are weak, if we let Christ, He will make us strong.  For me it wasn't a physical strength, but more of an inner strength and realization that "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13

Taken by
"Winter Ballerina"
My Friends, there is always something to SMILE about. There is always something to LEARN from. And there is always something we can do to CHANGE how we look at the world around us!
Be Fabulous, Be Authentic, Keep Being YOU!
Happy New Year!

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