Wednesday, January 28, 2015

You Can Bloom Where You're Planted!

Once Upon A Time there was a tree. 
A tree planted in a strange place, a place where it was hard to grow. That place was dark, and cold, but there was sunlight, and water and the tree grew. 
The tree bloomed. 
Despite the trials in growing in a strange place the tree didn't give up. 
It was beautiful. 
When asked if the tree could and if he would have grown outside where tree normally grow the tree answered, "No. That trial. That barrier keeping me from being like other trees made my growth, my blooming flowers look magnificent because of the place I was put to grow." 
And so it is with everything in life. 
A butterfly cannot become a beautiful butterfly unless it is born into the caterpillar stage, and goes through the cocoon stage. Funny little caterpillar's cannot become majestic butterfly's  without that change. 
We cannot enjoy a rainbow unless we have a bit of rain. Only Rainbow after rain, the sun will always come again. 
Even as humans, we cannot become who we want to become without some trials. There's a process to life, and if we want to become leaders we can't take the easy path. We MUST take the road less traveled by...THAT will [in the end] make ALL the difference. 

I took all these photo's down in my basement ^_^

The minute we start to stop believing all the lies we tell ourselves that is when we start becoming who we need to be. Once you See More in yourself. You Can Be More. 
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is AMAZING! It really is the gospel of Glad News! Where we can live and become as the greatest example there EVER was, our savior, Jesus Christ. 
We must live life on purpose; for a purpose. 
Enjoy the process.
Seek to become.
My friends, See more in yourself & then Be more. It's a choice. To Live is an awfully BIG adventure.
Make that choice
Keep Being YOU!

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