Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A Strange Christmas To Remember

 Christmas isn't only about boxes, bows, ribbons, presents, and beautiful decorations.
 Sure, the Christmas spirit of giving of yourself is spectacular, and really brings gratitude, and hope into the dullest, darkest of lives, but these things aren't what Christmas is about. 
Christmas is about love. 
The love we have for our fellow human beings.
The love of our dear Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ.
Our Heavenly Father sent His only begotten son to this earth to live and to die for all mankind, so that we may be saved. 
Everything was done in LOVE!
This video is only 2 minutes long, and shows what life would be like without a savior.  
Doesn't that just make you feel so very loved?
Every time I watch it I feel so very blessed, and know that we are all beloved sons and daughters of a Heavenly Father who knows each of us personally. 
What really warms my soul is knowing that He knows what makes me happy!
Two days before Christmas I was in a car accident. My dad had woken my little brother and I up on the 23rd of December to go help him with a bug job. (He's an exterminator). Anyways, we left around 6am and drove for an hour and then stopped for breakfast. After we had gotten some food we started off again. One thing you should know, I ALWAYS wear my seat belt. 
End of story.
But as we started off I tried to put my seat-belt on, but it had folded in on itself, and would not buckle. I thought 10 minutes wouldn't make a huge difference and so I decided not to buckle.
Yes, I have been lectured for being careless.
Yes, I am going to wear a seat-belt from now on.
Yes, seat-belts are amazing.
but I can't help but think that maybe for just this once I am glad I was not wearing my seat belt.
 We started down the highway and a familiar feeling hit me...I knew I was supposed to be there that day.
I don't know why, but I just know that I was.
On the highway we were going over an overpass type thing and suddenly my dad's little truck started fish-tailing. My brother and dad were yelling, but I had momentarily fallen asleep, blacked out ...or something. I am so very glad that I had. The last thing I remember was going spinning and going over the side of the road.
 It was just like every terrible nightmare I had ever had.
 The truck rolled a couple times off the side of the bridge. People say that I flew through the windshield 75ft from the truck. But I somehow ended up far away from my dad and brother who were still inside of the truck.
My dad's work trucks carry a lot of equipment, and none of that had landed on me!
Now, the part that I am glad I wasn't wearing my seat belt.
The side of the truck where I was sitting was crushed. seriously crushed.
My dad and brother were not super physically hurt, which made me happy, but I still felt so sorry for everything they had to go through...and everything my dad had lost.
I remember waking up, just like I would out of bed and seeing my dad leaning over me, saying, "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." I remember thinking why...It wasn't his fault at all!
As I lay there in the cold snow, and red dirt I looked over at the truck, it was upside-down and I cried. I cried not because my leg hurt, but because my dad had put so much money and time into repairing that truck, and then it was just gone.
 People were all around me--I wasn't in excruciating pain, but something had happened to my leg.
It hurt.
For the rest of the day I fell in and out of sleep.
 One thing that helped whenever I felt like crying, feeling sorry for myself, or afraid was I would repeat a scripture in my head over and over again. Isaiah 53:3-5 (This is one of my favorites.)
" 3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
 ¶Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."
My femur had been broken, I had fractured the c7 vertebrae (a bone in my neck), I had fractured my right scapula (shoulder blade), and I had bruised a lung and had a bit of internal bleeding.
Honestly something that kept bothering me was the fact that I was alive, and not too badly hurt.
That may sound dumb, but there are so many amazing people in the world who have it so much worse than I do. I guess I just didn't understand why I was still here on this earth. But you know what...I have something else to do. I have a mission to go on, and life adventures that await!
That in and of itself is a miracle.
This year there have been so many car accidents, and most everyone who have been ejected from the car have died. I knew I was alive for a reason. My heart went out to all of the families who had lost people they loved.
I know that I was being watched over that day, and everyday!
Trials happen for a reason, and I know that everything is going to be ok.
Christ knows my deepest fears, my concerns, and my dreams; He knows me perfectly, and I know that He knows you perfectly as well!
Sometimes it may feel like we are alone, and nobody really understands us, but I testify that there is someone who will always understand. There is a person who knows exactly what we each are going through, and we are truly never alone.
This Christmas was the strangest Christmas, but I was given some of the most precious gifts ever...the gift of living, the gift of people caring, and I was also able receive beautiful letters and visits from some of my dear "Burger" friends.
My heart is so full--this year I was able to find love, peace, hope, and happiness.,. and that is what Christmas is all about.
Merry Christmas!!!
A Happy New Year!!!
Live life on purpose
Love those people most precious to you
Don't ever lose your SMILE!
(You never know who's day it will brighten!)

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