Monday, December 14, 2015

Thoughts on Gratitude & Moments

 People don't realize just how beautiful life really is.
Sometimes I don't realize how beautiful life is.
Something, I've found that shifts your perspective on life is a thing we've all heard of called,
(kind of simple, I know, but it really changes everything!)
Gratitude brightens the darkest of days. 
Gratitude brings hope into a persons life. 
Hope makes faith worth it.
You see, you can't find hope without an attitude of gratitude, and you can't have faith without hope.

 I see so many parents who try to make their kids truly happy with the latest, greatest new gadgets in technology, and junk like that... You know, I think we tend to forget about what really matters the most in life. Sure, material gifts, and presents are great, but what people really need is love. The things that matter THE most are the things you simply cannot buy... 
love matters the most, 
family matters the most, 
people, and 
just simple little
like: forgiving, understanding, writing a song, dancing in the rain, caroling, visiting an old folks home, making cookies, having a snowball fight, climbing a mountain...
I could go on for hours, but this ... spending time, sharing moments, and making memories is THE most beautiful thing about life. These are the times when we are truly happy. These are the most valuable times in our existence.  
One thing that scares me the most is a family who doesn't love the little things in life, who doesn't cherish being with each other. You know something, raising a family who loves and cherishes one another is worth more to me than anything money could ever buy; a future home that is filled with love, compassion, and understanding is more precious to me than the most perfect dream house.

This is what makes me excited!!
Honestly...moments like these I can't wait for.

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