Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Live In The Moment!

Just a fair warning, this post may ramble a'cause ya know...WORDS... they're a problem sometimes. ^_^
So, this semester I have been taking an acting class, and something my teacher has been telling us while we practice acting is, "Be in the moment. Act in the moment. Live in the moment!" Honestly, I had NO idea what that meant, or even was supposed to mean. I didn't think much of the simplicity of being in the moment; I had no idea how profound that phrase actually was, and is until last week. Come to think of it... last week was kind of an "AHA!" week...which was so amazing, yet overwhelming at the same time. Anyways, Kris (my mentor for acting) would say this phrase at least three times Every. Single. Class. It got slightly frustrating because I really had no idea what it really meant. I don't think anyone really understood what she was trying to get at; I always thought it meant to focus...was I ever wrong!
When was the last time you felt alive and present?
It could be anything...
A time maybe when you felt small, insignificant, and alone.
A time, perhaps, where you were so excited that you just couldn't contain your emotion.
Maybe there was a time when you felt inspired, and your soul burned within you to become.
We have all felt one, if not all of these moments of being alive, being aware of life and the world around us.
Those moments that we are present are precious times in our existence.
Now, this is essential for a good actor...but it is also an important aspect of life.
I know that the one thing I want in life is to live a life filled with purpose and meaning, and to be able to live life on purpose you MUST be fully engaged, and fully connected,
Be present with people. Be present in everyday life!
William Shakespeare once asked the most profound question ever. We use it so much that this question has become somewhat of a cliche, but it really is one of the greatest questions in humanity. "To be, or not to be. That is the question."
We are each faced with this.
There are three types of moments that you can live in, The past, The future, and The present moment. Patsy Rodenburg (a famous actress) has a TED talk about these moments, she talks about our different energy's. With each energy there is a circle that it belongs in:
1st circle (past), 3rd circle (future), and 2nd circle (present).
Each of these circles are very important to being human, and we aren't meant to always be in one circle, but to be able to live life with a purpose, and on purpose that is when we need to be in 2nd circle.
To be in the 2nd circle is to be fearlessly authentic.
It is to be okay with being human.
It is to see others, and to BE seen.
Why is seeing and being seen so hard for us?
As human beings we each are entitled, and need love and connection. True connection. But we are afraid of being seen, and being seen is the first step to connecting with other people, and learning how to love!
If we each need love and connection then why are we so afraid to truly be Authentic?
The only way for true, deep connection is by seeing & being seen!
Recognize that we ALL are fellow human beings
Be Alive! 
Live in the NOW!
Truly see other for who they are, and can become, and BE seen!
Take a step away from your phones, away from technology, take advantage of the time you have with other human beings. They are precious. Time is precious. Embrace this time. 

STOP waiting for Friday,
 for summer, 
for someone to fall in love with you, 
or LIFE. 
Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in now. 
Make that CHOICE to live in 2nd circle!
Be present in your life.
Live life on purpose!
See & BE seen.
Be happy
don't you EVER forget to


Ellie Anderson said...

Ah. Briar. <3 You have this way with words that just deeply connects with me and makes sense. Thank you. I really needed this today. :) Love you to the moon and back. . .TWICE!!! XD :) <3

BriarRose Thompson said...

<3 Ellie, thank you. I miss you, and love you so, so very much!!