Thursday, October 20, 2016

Climb to Higher Ground!

OK, so here's the deal--
Most of me doesn't want to be a pessimist, I want to be uplifting at ALL times, but at the same time the other part of me has a NEED to be fully authentic.
Authenticity is empowering. goes...
The truth is... life is stinkin' hard!
The end.
Chances are, you probably already know this fact, because within your life you've most likely experienced some setbacks, challenges, trials, and super HARD things! 
Which is amazing! 
You are amazing. 
Life IS supposed to be's not meant to be easy, if life were easy we would never learn anything!
Another truth I've realized is that
Life hurts.
Learning the fact that you have to surrender to the circumstances in life is SO hard!
This is something that I have been having a hard time appreciating; the fact that I can dance again. 
This hurts.
I want to feel joy, and empowerment when I dance.
I want to feel graceful again. 
But nothing will ever be the same.
Within the past year I have waited to be able to move again like a 'normal' human being, to be able to express myself through movement...waiting seemed SO long, but now that I can dance again it hurts. 
Physically it hurts, and also emotionally.
I don't want it to hurt.
That's the worst part.
The more I dance the more I realize I won't ever be able to dance the way I used to; the more I dance the more frustrated I get with how my body simply does not cooperate with what my brain is telling it to do!
It hurts because I cannot change my circumstances.
I know that I have to find some way to find the beauty in my situation, I know that I MUST find a way to be grateful in my circumstances...but it seems so bleak a lot of the time. 
It has felt so hopeless because I just have not known how to get past this.
Usually I am an optimistic person!
Maybe that's another reason why this is SO hard for me.
The other day I was reading a magnificent book called, Mastery, by George Leonard.
Best book ever! (This book I HIGHLY recommend anyone reading!!)
As I was reading I came across SO many AHA Moments!!! ^_^ 
AHA moments make me HAPPY!
"The courage of a master is measured by his or her willingness to surrender...
[which also means] surrendering your own hard-won proficiency from time to time in order to reach a higher or different level of proficiency."
THIS made so much sense to me. I realized that I am never going to be doing the same things as before because I have started a new journey. I have begun on a new journey with a new body, and one thing I have to learn is to surrender to learning the basics of dancing all over again with my new body. In order to embark on the masters journey, because you'll never fully be a master of anything in this life, you'll only ever travel on the path of becoming a master. 
"It's almost inevitable that you'll feel clumsy, and you're going to take literal or figuratively [falls]. There is no way around it."
This was another part of the chapter that was an AHA moment!
I do feel clumsy on a regular basis with A LOT of things!
The most amazing thing is that Life has it's funny little up's and down's...they are annoying, they are hard, and they do hurt, but it allows a learning and growing process to take place in a new and different way that we have never learned or grown before in our life!
Which is wonderful!!
THAT is the rainbow at the end of the darkest, craziest storm.
"Give it a try. 
Your first few dives are going to be belly flops--and you'll draw the attention of almost everyone. 
Are you willing to accept that? 
If you want to get there, be prepared to take it."
The last quote certainly is an excellent point!
To be able to reach higher ground you have to be willing to go past your comfort zone! That is the ONLY way to grow. It's so hard, but also very worth the discomfort, pain, and hurt. :)
One thing that I've learned is through trial you can't just survive through the growth, but THRIVE through growth. 
Being proactive is key! 
The BEST stories have the hardest, despairing moments as well as the most beautiful ones too!
You can't just write a story by default, you have to begin writing your story on purpose. 
That is the only way to live life on purpose. 

My friends, 
don't give up!
You. Are. Amazing.
Collect beautiful moments.
Live life on purpose.
Climb onto higher ground,
NEVER lose your SMILE!

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