Saturday, October 15, 2016

WAKE UP & enjoy the sunrises!

Just so you know...This post may make no sense at all. It probably will ramble a bit too! ;)
but...I've been thinking A LOT about light lately.
Light is simply amazing!
I mean, not only the fact that it shines and illuminates everything, but also the fact that light uplifts. Light penetrates even the darkest night. Light inspires. Light brings life. Light brings hope.

Sunrises & Sunsets are a couple of my most favorite things. ^__^
Some would say, "What's the big deal about a sunrise, or sunset? They happen every single day!" 
That may be very true, but to me it is still a miracle! 
Here's why...
They are my favorite because they cause us to look up, which invites inspiration from a higher power and brings hope. I think it's absolutely amazing that the day starts with a stunning sunrise, and ends with a magnificent sunset. 
honestly...the s i m p l e things in life make me SMILE!
We have the opportunity to start & end each day with inspiration and hope from a Loving Father in Heaven!
Isn't that awesome!?
As I was thinking through my jumbled mess of thoughts I thought of the Conference talk, "O How Great the Plan of Our God!" from the October 2016 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints General conference.
"It seems to be human nature; as we become more familiar with something, even something miraculous and awe-inspiring, we lose our sense of awe and treat it as commonplace...We have been given so much, and we have been surrounded with such an astonishing wealth of light and truth...sometimes I wonder if we truly appreciate what we have. This could only be possible only if our hearts were past feeling to experience gratitude and awe."
I love this talk so much...and sometimes I feel like I am just sleepwalking through life.
 Numb to the things that hurt, but also numb to the beautiful, good, and amazing things in life. My heart past feeling of gratitude and awe. 
I dislike the feeling of numbness. I really do.
Our souls dislike the feeling of numbness. 
Our souls like the feeling of amazement...especially at the littlest things!
Something I find profoundly amazing is:
"...We are here on this  b e a u t i f u l  planet earth--
because God offered us the opportunities, 
and we chose to accept it." -Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Don't sleepwalk through life, my friends. 
CHOOSE to wake up and enjoy the sunrises in life!
Look up,
Allow the light in, 
Live Life On Purpose, 
NEVER lose your beautiful SMILE!

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