Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentines Day

Ok... so I have been the typical girl who celebrates single awareness day... I never liked valentines, but I decided to change my mindset this year.
I feel like Valentines is all about love, but we worry too much about ourselves. We spend all of our time worrying because we don't have a significant other...in other words we spend all of our time worrying about ourselves.
Our focus is SO inward.
If this holiday is all about love than shouldn't that also be about charity... and serving those wonderful people in your life??
If the focus was more outward & upward Valentines would be more like Christmas!
Instead of thinking what will I get...I decided to think what can I give today? (Which should be the focus everyday, but holidays are nice little reminders)
There have been SO many people in my life who I LOVE SO MUCH!!!
My dad is my hero. He is the most selfless person, always giving, and hardly thinking of himself. I remember the nights where he would wake me up for our very own midnight snack!! We also would sit and watch the lightening on dark, stormy nights...I love those nights with the perfect person to do it with!!!
Rondi ... She taught me SO much about loving other people! I loved the talks that we would have until 2am!!! Our random hiking adventures were also my very favorite, she has THE most fantastic soul, and is such a wonderful example to me!!! She was never ever afraid to share the LIGHT of Christ...or her testimony!!! 
Kierra has been my best friend for almost 12 years... and I have loved every second of our crazy, spaztasticness!!! She is my favorite adopted sister, and a person that I can share anything with. She is one of the most Christlike people...always thinking about others, and trying to comfort and care for everyone around her!!!
Ellie has been a special example to me in my life. Her name means light, and she is the MOST amazing giver of that light. She is ALWAYS uplifting everyone around her and making everyone feel special, and loved. I LOVE her with ALL of my heart!!! She is the strongest Daughter of God, and gives strength to those around her...giving peace and calmness to others. 

These people, among SO many others have made a very special impact in my life. They are apart of my STORY, and I am so very grateful for their influence in my life! I know that they were put into my life for a specific reason, and I would never trade any of the experiences for anything. 
If there is someone in your life that has made an impact... don't hesitate, tell them!
If you never do...who is???
20 seconds of courage.
You can do it.
I believe in you!
Valentines is so much more than chocolates, flowers, and dates with a significant other...it is about pure, unselfish, genuine, love. It is ALL about what we can give...a smile, a kind word, cookies, a note, singing to someone can always brighten their day too! ;)
Our Savior, Jesus Christ is the PERFECT example of love, and the master of selfless service; 
emulate Him & everything will work out!
Be strong, my friends,
Love life,
Be YOU because you are the ONLY you!


Jane said...

Briar! I love this! I love you! You have the gift of helping people around you feel the love of Christ. You are amazing! :)

haleydurrantbird said...

LOVE!!!❤❤❤ thanks for inspiring me!! :)

Ryan Quade said...

Super Inspirational! Thanks for posting Briar!

Anonymous said...

Briar, Yes, your father is a very special person. We love him too.
Grandpa Smith