Tuesday, June 22, 2021

One Person CAN Make A Difference -- Happy Father's Day!

 I am quite unsure of how to exactly begin...it has been awhile.

There has been many changes in our life.

Although, I did want to mainly focus on Father's Day!

I have been blessed in choosing to marry and to be eternally sealed to an AMAZING husband!!!! We have been married almost 4 years and he is the most happy, silly, Christlike, and quick-to-smile father of our sweet, helpful, and crazy children. Every moment since meeting him in the Temple has been full of love, respect, striving to understand one another, and much laughter (some tears too). 

My heart is so full towards this wonderful husband of mine and devoted son of God. This past Father's Day was the day that the children and I had to drop him off. He swore into active military duty and flew to embark on his journey in Bootcamp for the Navy. He had been working so hard to join the Air Force, but due to (I would call it) divine intervention(s) he was accepted into the Navy and has been preparing since May.

Through this last month I did not want to even attempt to think about how I would feel once he had left for training. I knew that I loved him, and I have supported this goal of both of ours all along the way. However, I left that book on the shelf. 

I tend to think that I am a very strong person when it comes to saying goodbye.  I thought our Lillie would struggle the most. She hates seeing him leave each morning for work! My heart melted as our Glenn was playing with his daddy's sunglasses, and as Lillie started crying because she wanted to go with him. 

That moment in time was a tender moment. 

Although, not an exactly devastatingly sad moment ... only because I catch glimpses of where God wants me/us to be heading. I feel the peace of a loving Heavenly Father willing to teach me lessons if I am open to receiving them! These precious glimpses help me feel that God IS at the helm and I truly can become an instrument in His wonderous hands. I feel His love through these small glimpses just as I would on the temple grounds, or even inside of a sacred building. 

There have been many tender mercies in the one day my dearest sweetheart has been away. Facetiming is such a beautiful thing!  Every chance while on his way to Chicago he called and we got to SEE his face, he also got to see us! 
Something that took me by surprise was the empty feeling my days would become. I still love taking care of our children and showing them the wonders of life, but with a righteous Husband and father gone for a moment in time our family feels lonesome and empty in a way. 
One person can truly make a HUGE difference! 
These emotionally challenging months for our family will be hard, yes... but I truly believe that through Hard things grow the most GLORIOUS experiences and teachings for God! 
okay... one more story...
Not long after John found out that he had been declined again from the air force the world wide General Conference, hosted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was beginning. 
Focusing on spiritual growth and connection ALWAYS brings the blessings and revelation from Heaven! 
This conference brought a feeling to John that it was TIME to enlist into the military, and for me I felt that it was going to be ok to think about expanding our little family. (The third child, for me scared me) Two weeks after we found out that we were not only going to have another little Baby, but that this baby had begun his earthly journey long before we even thought about having the third!!! Two weeks after finding that the pregnancy was not a few weeks along, but a few months... John was accepted into Military service for the Navy. 
This year has been JAM packed full of uncertain and slightly uncomfortable changes!!!

Being uncomfortable is NOT a bad thing!

I am excited for the adventures ahead.

However, I do look forward to the day when our family can again reunite.

I know that this earthly life is for our benefit, and experiences give us opportunity to learn, grow, and become!

God can indeed see the WHOLE picture, we just have to learn to trust in Him.

One of my favorite themes is Embark in the Service of God. This song and video touches my heart so deeply. This theme for me set my soul on fire, and still does! (It is a catchy song) 


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