Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Prayers Are Being Answered; Life is Not Easy Sailing!

 As a mother of 2 crazy children, another on the way... and my John gone away for a time for boot camp in the Navy, my hands are full! (At least it feels like they are full sometimes)

But If you think my hands are full...well then you should see my heart!

Just had to share these thoughts that were inspired by listening and watching this Hope Works video. SO uplifting. Certainly what I needed today.

Hard times come in ALL sorts of shapes and sizes, but when we think that God does not deliver what we ask for, check again!

He may not always come in MY timing, in YOUR timing... but He ALWAYS comes on TIME!

The Lord's tender mercies are ABUNDANT -- all around.

You know, for years I have prayed for the Lord to lead me where He wants me to go. I have prayed for my husband to accomplish his goal of following revelation from God; serving in the Military. I have prayed for my faith to grow, and for my life to continuously be in the service of the Lord. 

My prayers ARE being answered!

My husband acts upon his personal revelation. I receive experiences -- uncomfortable moments where my faith DOES grow! I am also blessed to be a mother of almost 3 children, and I get to nurture my children ALL day. Every day!

When prayers are answered, life is not easy sailing. Nope, The road to active discipleship is ALWAYS uphill!  

At times I feel that my life that I am living is so hard. There are two ways of looking at life: victor vs. victim. Choosing to see life as a victor allows me to see the goodness that God is working in MY life. Seeing life through the victims eyes leads me to feel alone, disappointed for my circumstances, and I feel hopeless; feeling like I have no power over my future. But I have an opportunity to react in life. I would rather CHOOSE to act in Love and not worry. I would rather choose to Hope and not fear. I WILL choose to see the life that I am writing as a VICTOR not a victim of circumstance!

You know what?! It is NOT over. 

If you ever think that all your blessings have come through your trials, there is more to come. When God delivers, and when He delivers in His time He comes with blessings pouring down that ye may not have room enough to receive them!

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