Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Color and Rule of Thirds

 "insecure" This was taken in my house Manti, Utah. The lack of color lets the viewer start looking at the lighter side of the face, the eyes do not follow the RoT's they are a leading line to the other, darker side of the face.
 "Exploding Joy" This picture shows the excitement of a little boy playing Simon says. The left eye is following the RoT's. I didn't want to center the picture because his mouth was the focal point his left eye, mouth and other eye make a triangle for the viewers focus.
 "Indecisive" This picture shows an unsure emotion, it doesn't show loneliness because he is looking into the empty space. The RoT's brings the viewer to his eye, then towards the empty space wondering what it is he is contemplating.
"Fresh start" This was taken at the Manti Utah Temple. For me this photo shows an emotion of hope, and happiness of a fresh new day; perhaps the beginning of a new week.  The colors bring excitement, not only because they are bright but very different than what we are used to seeing. the sun is in the RoT's and adds a balance to the photo, almost reassuring.

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