Monday, March 16, 2015

Power in Serving and Loving Others

As human beings we all have experienced fear, doubt, and thinking that we are not enough and will never ever be good enough. Feeling insecure about who we are, fearing the future, and regretting the past. 
I have felt it.
 It hurts. 
But you know what...It's a lie. 
As human beings we are amazing, we are able to breathe, to do wonderful things, and we are able to just be alive. But I think the MOST amazing thing that we can do is help, serve, and inspire others! 
Love is the most amazing thing we are able to do..."Not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less!" C.S. Lewis
Life is not sprinkles and rainbows, life is hard. Through life there are storms, times when we belittle ourselves, when we feel like we can not see the light through the tunnel, times when we just want to sink and never be found. 
What happens if we give up? 
Giving up doesn't solve any problems. Each person is unique, we all have special qualities, and every person has a different mission in life a specific calling! Giving up is not the answer. Going beyond ourselves, serving others, and looking at the bigger picture.

"When you see the storm is coming
See the lightning part the skies
It's too late to run
There's terror in your eyes
What you do then is remember
This old thing you heard me say
"It's the storm, not you
That's bound to blow away"

Hold on
Hold on to someone standing by
Hold on
Don't even ask how long or why?
Child, hold on to what you know is true
Hold on till you get through
Child, oh child
Hold on" -The Secret Garden--Hold On. 

My friends, when life gets hard and the storms beat upon you just remember to hold on, and lose yourself in serving others! Everything will be alright. you were sent here to make a difference, to be the difference in someone's life.  
Life is not going to be easy, but it is going to be worth everything. 
You are capable of SO much. You are worthy of love!

Refuse to sink. 
Keep being YOU!

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