Sunday, April 17, 2016

"What Makes YOU Happy?"

Lately I have been thinking a lot about blessings and the Lord's hand in my life. 
I have learned that when you ask for something to be taught to you in your life the Lord really does teach you!
I have also learned that whenever a prompting is given the Lord ALWAYS prepare a way for it to be accomplished...always, you just have to be willing to act upon that prompting.
You know... it's amazing how the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints requires action in EVERYTHING! You can't just sit around waiting for faith to increase, you can't just listen to the prophets teachings once and be set for life, this gospel requires a desire, action, and commitment.  
This principle of action, and living the gospel of Jesus Christ On Purpose is so perfect in hymn #85 How Firm A Foundation
(Verse 4 & 6 are my favorite)
4: When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie,
My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply;
The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design
Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.
6: The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose,
I will not, I will not desert to his foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I’ll never, no, never, no, never forsake!
I feel like verse 4 just fits perfectly with the things going on in my life, and in a lot of other peoples life as well. When trials come they are hard, they may be tough, but it isn't the end of everything. Rather, it is the beginning of an eternal learning process! We have a loving Heavenly Father and he allows us to go through these earthly trials, not to torture us, but to refine us. He loves us so very much, and he wants what's best for each one of us--His children. "...The flame will not hurt thee..." 
I feel like when I go through hard things I often lose the eternal perspective of life, and when I lose the eternal perspective I tend to focus more on having faith in Briar, and less faith in my Heavenly Father and loving Savior, Jesus Christ. 
A couple years ago I had the privilege of meeting an amazing young man. This young man had every reason to be unhappy about his life circumstances, I felt like his life was pretty darn hard! One day a couple of friends and I were talking with this young man and someone asked him a beautifully profound question, one I will never forget. She asked him, "So what makes you happy?"
I will never forget his response. He thought for a moment and then saying, with a marvelous smile on his face said, "The gospel of Jesus Christ makes me happy!" That simple, yet profound response made a huge impact in my life. 
When hard things come into our path they may make us stumble, but how can we complain about life, how can we have any challenges? We have the glad news...The gospel of Jesus Christ! 
I testify that our Savior Jesus Christ died for each and every one of our sins, he has felt our pain, sorrow, joy, and love. If you feel alone, with no one to turn to who understands I would invite you to pray to Him, talk to Him...I know that he understands and he does care so very much!
I think that it's ironic that the Atonement has the ability to make us whole, and can remove the scars and make us whole again, but the Atonement also brought scars to the one who preformed it; the only perfect being who ever lived on this earth. 

 Live Life On Purpose,
CHOOSE to Live the Gospel On purpose, 
Be Happy for this moment, for this moment is your LIFE!

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