Monday, May 30, 2016

FIGHT for your dreams!

The past 6 months for me have felt like everything I had planned, and hoped for were slowly falling apart.
 It has been rough. 
It has been hard. 
I would NEVER change those months, because I have changed and grown in ways that I never thought were possible.
I have met the most amazing people.
I have had deep, beautiful, and soul expressing conversations.
I have had so many "AHA!" moments.
THE best has been finding little answers to questions I have had for years!

How does one live a meaningful life?
This has been the question that has stumped me for years. 
I live life on purpose is such a beautiful phrase, but it really is easier said than done!
The past couple of days has been e x t r e m e l y powerful!
I have learned SO much . . .
The Lord knows each of His children by name,
He cares for each one so much,
Miracles DO happen in the Lord's timing,
the Lord has a bigger plan for me than what I had planned for myself!
Something very beautiful happens to people when their world has fallen apart: a humility, a nobility, a higher intelligence emerges just at the point when our knees hit the floor. <3 I do know a never ending grief hits all at once, and makes you wonder will i ever get through losing the man i have loved since i was seventeen. Look Maurice what you have done to me dying and leaving me alone for what remains of the rest of my life. xxx <3:
As human beings we are each subject to hard things...we each experience mental blocks, emotional walls, physical limitations, individual masks that we hide behind, and so much more. 
 I was talking with a friend the other day about walls, and how each of us NEED each other so desperately; because of the fact that we all face some of the same types of walls in our lives. I mean it's amazing that our Heavenly Father put us here on this earth with a bunch of imperfect people to learn and grow with each other. 
Breaking through walls is very needed, but of all the challenges we face and go through, surly we aren't meant to always break through.  
A we kept on talking Rondi said something that was like a light bulb!
"Maybe some walls are not meant to be broken." -Rondi Ruekert 
I mean...if you think about it life has its own walls, hills, and mountains; they're each different, and you can't possibly break through each one. You may need to break through one wall, but then be asked to journey through a valley, or at times you may need to climb a mountain while experiencing what is needed for you individually. 
The last thing that was spectacular for me was the idea, and realization that the adversary makes you want to freak out, but silence is love & humility...and that is powerful!
When I speak I always feel like I trip over my words so much, but this idea of being OK with silence was fantastic! 
Most of the time it IS more powerful to just sit and listen to a person.
We were given two ears and one mouth for a reason ^_^ 
Living life on purpose is a choice. 
It has to be something we CHOOSE to do every s i n g l e day!
Creating a meaningful life means taking the harder, less traveled road. 
but through our dreams, and choices we each have the p o t e n t i a l within us to c r e a t e a beautiful, meaningful life. 
The life we spend so many hours thinking and dreaming about!
You just have to work hard everyday along with having hope, faith, and believe in miracles. 
My friends, 
Do not give up!
Rely on our Savior, Jesus Christ.
don't just dream your dreams, but CHOOSE to f i g h t for your dreams, 
CREATE a meaningful life filled with a d v e n t u r e s, and plenty of stories! 

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