Tuesday, June 28, 2016

People are like Stars

Just so you know...this post may not make any sense at all... but learning lessons from random people is one of my favorite things in the whole world.
 People are amazing!
life is strange; beautiful, but strange. 
I feel like Nothing ever happens by accident; everything has a purpose, and everything has very specific timing.
It's amazing to think that the Lord placed every individual star in a very specific orbit...they each have an important job, and they each affect many things along their path...you know...I've come to find that people are like stars.
Each of us here, on this earth has a divine plan, and just like the stars in the sky we are each placed on this earth at a specific time, and in a specific place. We are meant to cross paths with people along our life's journey, to inspire, and influence others around us.

For sure!  God is in control !!!

I don't know about you, but people inspire me every day by a simple smile, a kind word, or even by their example...it's amazing that by doing something simple we could change a persons day, or even the course of their life!
We have more power than we know.
We have the power to build up a person, we have the power to tear them down; we have the power to teach, and we have the power to inspire another's life. 
A couple of weeks ago I was at a doctors office...just sitting...and people watching. 
(I kinda like people watching...a lot!!) 
Anyways, as I was sitting there a older woman walked in, and sat right next to me. 
We started to talk. 
I asked about the story of her leg injury...she didn't say that much about it, and then she asked about my story. I finished telling her the story, and she said that she was amazed that I didn't die...
and you know... it IS amazing!
 But it is also something that confuses me quite often... I told this lady I didn't know why I was still here. I don't know if I was trying to find an answer to the question or not, but she looked at me and then told me that the Lord needed me here, and I have a chance to inspire people who have lost hope. This surprised me because you don't meet many strangers who just tell you that you're still needed on this earth for some reason... 
She told me that trials are put in our path for multiple reasons...for humbling, learning experiences, and for knowing that God is in charge. 
Ether 12:27 I will make weak things become strong humble lds quote scripture text:
She mentioned that there was a ballerina (I don't know who), but she had physical limitations and everyone thought that she would never amount to anything, but she worked very hard, she NEVER gave up, and in the end everyone around her who had once thought nothing of her...they were amazed.
 This lady had no idea that I danced, which made this conversation even more fantastic because it was something I needed to hear from someone who had no idea who I was.
This conversation sparked something inside of me.
 I realized that difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. 
Sure it's hard, but the destination is worth the work! 
Dreams aren't ruined by temporary set backs...just delayed a bit. 

Life isn't going to be as we imagined it when we were little. 
There are bumps, and set backs along the journey, but you can't let them stop you.
You have to make a decision to recognize the beautiful moments in the negative circumstances.
We have the ability, and potential to c r e a t e the life that we dream about.   
"If you can dream it, you can achieve it...if you're willing to work hard enough for it."
  I have come to realize that you DO NOT meet people by accident!
There is ALWAYS something that we can learn from the people that are around us.
I know for a fact that we have a loving Heavenly Father who cares, and knows each of us personally and very individually. The circumstances we find ourselves in help us learn, grow, and become the people that we are meant to become. 
There are people in this life that we meet for a reason, even if it is in a doctors office for a 5 min. conversation. Those 5 min. conversations can uplift and inspire.
Each of us are like stars...placed in a specific orbit, at a specific time.
YOU are here for a reason
YOU can make a difference...
you just have to choose to let your light SHINE!
CHOOSE to be positive, 
Let your light SHINE,
Learn from people around you a.k.a (people watch),
Don't be afraid to DREAM,
NEVER give up,
Keep being YOU!

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