Sunday, July 31, 2016

Life is what you CHOOSE to see

I just want to tell you simply that...
life is a miracle.
I'm not saying that everyday is perfect, or even close to wonderful...because it's not. You're going to have days where you want to run and hide somewhere...anywhere away from everyone. Trying to even escape your own thoughts at times. You're going to feel like you're alone, and that not one person understands what you're experiencing. You're going to feel shame, guilt, anger, and at times you will feel numb. 
Just because you are going to feel these things, or are feeling them at this very moment does NOT mean that life isn't a miracle.
You see... life is a gift from God to us, and the way we choose to live life is our gift to God. 

"There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."

Life can only be seen as miraculous when you have made the decision to SEE everything around you as a miracle. There are so many tender mercies in every s i n g l e day, but without the willingness to SEE them they remain hidden.
Life is a miracle... and amid the confusion, and ugliness of the world you are going to be able to see the b r i l l i a n t BRIGHT stars even on the darkest of nights. 
You are going to feel peace.
You will learn how to love someone you never thought was possible. You will feel the comfort of a loving Heavenly Father who loves you unconditionally, and is ALWAYS there for you. You will have the courage to be vulnerable, and to step outside of your comfort zone. 
You will want to share the peace, comfort, and love that you feel.
I know without a doubt that we have a loving Heavenly Father who knows us each so personally, He is in the d e t a i l s of our lives, and He wants us to have j o y ... He wants us to be h a p p y ! I know that we have a Savior, Jesus Christ who has felt what we feel...he has gone through what we are experiencing, and he will NEVER abandon us...he WILL never give up on us ... no matter how lost, or alone we may feel.
Life is a miracle. 
People are to be cherished. 
Love without judging.
Look outside of yourself & serve another person.
CHOOSE to see.
Never lose hope.
Keep being YOU.
Live life on purpose.
Don't EVER lose your magnificent SMILE!

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