Monday, March 14, 2016

Be Strong... Do Not Give Up!

Last week I was surrounded by amazing, and EXTREMELY talented people.
It was fantastic. ^__^
It really was, but being around them made me sad.
Now, I really don't want to complain, I have ALWAYS been an optimist, I feel bad for thinking negatively about life, and the human experience, but this is something that I've been having a terrible time with and I need to express it somehow.
Anyways... I went to classes and in these classes we would talk a lot about the gratitude we--as dancers should feel, and express for a body that works, for legs that work.
This is an incredibly valid point,
but every time this was mentioned I began to think,
"what am I doing?! 
I physically cannot do what they ask. 
I can't do the things that I have always been able to do. 
What am I doing here? 
Why am I still trying? 
I can't run like I used to, I can't dance like I used to...
I am broken!"

It is a constant struggle of being a HAPPY person, and feeling the NEED to express the emotions that are bottled up.
Something my parents have always told me to keep going, don't give up, and to be strong
Or you're supposed to be happy
You're supposed to be happy is the one thing that bothers me.
There are those days, and weeks in our lives where being happy, being strong just seems impossible. 
Why is it so hard to be strong?
Honestly, a person cannot always be happy. 
That just is the reality of life. 
A person can put on a happy face, and hide their true feelings... most of the time this is what we do, this is what we are told to do.
But putting on masks, trying to hide emotions is NOT living authentically!
So how does a person find a way to be genuinely happy when everything, physically, emotionally, etc. is going wrong? 

This is SO hard! 
but it works. 
Finding something, no matter how small to be grateful for allows us to smile, to enjoy the BuMpY ride! It allows us to not put on a mask, and it teaches us how to live life on purpose! It also allows us to live authentically.
Something comforting in times of trials is that the road less traveled by is ALWAYS going to be bumpy; it is always going to be rough. 
There is opposition in ALL things worth having!
I guess what I'm trying to say is this: if you ever feel insignificant, or like you'll never fulfill your's ok. There will always be something to look forward to, there will always be a rainbow after a stormy day.
I don't like the feeling of being weak.
 I don't like the thoughts of inadequacy.
But Hard things come for a reason. I do know this.
There is HOPE in Jesus Christ, there is peace and joy in living the Gospel.
We find happiness by being grateful in the circumstances we may find ourselves in.
If this little flower can make it just think about what you can do!:
If this little flower can make it, just think about what you can do!
I'm sure it was not easy and seemed impossible, but the determination of that flower must have stronger than the strength of the concrete. Be like that little flower.
Some things in life may seem IMPOSSIBLE, but the very word itself says: I'M POSSIBLE!
When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother, "What will I be? Will I be pretty, will I be rich, here's what she said to me.":
Don't give up
Be authentic
Live life on purpose
Find a reason to Smile
Recognize your potential!
You can do AMAZING things!

3 comments: said...

You're such an amazing person Briar! You're an excellent storyteller and know how to get your message across! Gratitude really is one of the smallest things we can start doing in our day to day that will make the biggest difference. Keep going, keep being happy and most of all, keep being grateful!

coyfish said...

Briar, this post speaks to me in ways you cannot even imagine, thank you for this.

Dallin Ward said...

You're doing wonderfully, Briar. Thank you for your optimism and your hope and your love for all people. It really makes the world brighter. :D Smile! ^_^