Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Stop Waiting For Life To Happen!!

I came across this TED Talk: Stop Waiting For Life To Happen, these are some quotes from the video, and also my thoughts and feelings that I had... enjoy!! ^_^
The link to the video is at the bottom of the page. 
Life is a precious gift!
What are we doing with the gift that we've got?!
There is SO much information in the world today, we learn so much, we then get confused, and we do nothing. 
In a world where we have over 7 billion people, and ability to communicate with the touch of our fingertip WHY do so many of us feel so alone? 
There is ONE thing that we all crave.
This thing is LOVE
Not any ind of love though...our souls crave unconditional love.
Every person deserves unconditional love.
YOU are worthy of love and belonging.
Each of us were chosen to come to this earth for a purpose. We were chosen to go through the joys and pains of this life. What are we going to do with what we have been given? 
Everything in life is connected!
We are ALL intricately connected, and what stops us from seeing people as human beings, loving people unconditionally, and connecting with people is that we are too focused on ourselves; we are too focused on trying to get the one thing we crave, which is love. 
In a world where there are more than 7 billion people there is an epidemic of selfishness, and individualism.
We cannot truly change anything without internally shifting our paradigm.
and your paradigm won't change until you go through an awakening...until you come to some sort of braking point. Once we are broken...when we are humble that is when we learn. The Lord allows us to become broken so that He can choose certain broken pieces and put us back together the way we were meant to become.
Stop waiting for life to happen. Life doesn't work like that. You must CHOOSE!
Make a choice --Take a stand. 
Life reflects what you put into it. The minute you decide to take charge of YOUR precious life...that moment is a turning point...that is when things will begin to change.
You can't just sit around and hope for situations to change, you have to CHOOSE to change the way you look at life, it is a CHOICE to live your life on purpose! 
"Find something that makes you HAPPY and use that to make other people HAPPY!"
You CANNOT drive through life looking through the rear-view mirror...You'll crash!
You choose the meaning that you take out of the situations you may find yourself in in life. 
Life is precious.
Live each and every day for every moment is a precious gift!
Serve, inspire, and communicate with people.
It doesn't matter what happens to us in life, my friends...that is what makes a story. What matters is what we DO with the story. 
It's HOW you write your own story. HOW do you hold the pen?
THAT is what's powerful! THAT is what inspires people. 
If we could just let go of playing small, and EMBRACE the potential that each of us have as human opens up. 
When you choose your priorities you choose a higher way of living life. 
Start choosing to do the BEST things like, sitting across from another human being...connecting with another soul, being vulnerable, discussing ideas, being grateful for being able to be in a beautiful moment with another person!
Choose less of what's good, and more of what is BEST!
Be willing to step forward!
Step up and BE who you are.
BE who you were meant to become!
I am going to start doing the Best things and less of the good things. I am going to choose to SEE miracles in every single day. I am going to make the moments with people count, and I am going to make a life with more ADVENTURES!

How are YOU going to write your story??

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