Monday, January 2, 2017

Thoughts on JOY, silver linings & HAPPY NEW YEAR!

First things first...
I just want to share some thoughts on a subject that I've been studying a lot lately...
There is an A D V E N T U R E to every strange situation, 
a silver lining to every dark cloud, 
and a rainbow after the rainstorm. 
When days don't go as anticipated, plans get demolished, or life doesn't go quite as planned it's ok.
Find something to be grateful for, make up a new set of plans and just keep on keepin' on!
"If plan A didn't work... don't fret, the alphabet has 25 more letters!"
There is ALWAYS something good about each day, a reason to laugh about something, and something beautiful to focus on! 
It's not so much of the outcome of the conflict, but it's knowing that you're on the Lord's side...through the good times & the bad.
That is comforting.
Sometimes the Lord brings us low so that He can lift us higher!
I was reading a General Conference talk, Joy and Spiritual Survival
My favorite is when I'm reading a conference talk and it just goes perfectly with where I am reading in The Book of Mormon! That happened. ^_^
2 Nephi 10:23
"...CHEER UP your hearts & remember that ye are FREE to act for yourselves -- to CHOOSE the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life."
We can feel joy even while having a bad day, a bad week, or even a bad year! The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the FOCUS of our lives. 
When the focus of our lives is on God's plan of salvation...we can feel joy regardless what is happening -- or not happening -- in our lives. 
Joy comes from & because of Him. He is the source of ALL joy. 
Our afflictions shall be but a small moment.
JOY is powerful, focusing on joy brings God's power into our order for Him to endure the most excruciating experience ever endured on earth our savior focused on JOY!
One of my goals, or habits that I want to start is focusing on JOY...
finding those simple reasons to SMILE!
Keep being YOU!
Live Life On Purpose,
find A D V E N T U R E in the every day situations
always find the silver lining!

What is one of your goals??

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