Thursday, September 14, 2017

Our Perception on Perfection

Friends, it has been sooooo long!!!
life seems like it is just f l y i n g right on by... it seems only yesterday my dear sweetheart and I got married for time and all eternity -- but it's been over a month!
After getting married we moved to Logan so both of us could continue our education at USU, I was SO excited to move to a bigger city, and experience life a bit differently...I was excited to learn and grow! (don't get me wrong, I LOVE Sanpete, and small towns just make my heart HAPPY and my soul SMILE... but for me it was time to move and experience something outside of my little bubble)
OH MY... 
it has been a lot harder than I thought it would be. Let me tell ya, it's not all roses and perfectness. (life was never like that before, so why did I think that it might get that way now?)
perception of perfeciton
The human perception on perfection is quite interesting...and to me it's kind of funny.
I'm taking an Art History class this semester and after a discussion on the human form in art I was fascinated by just how much we reach for the unattainable. As humans we have something in us that just has a NEED to create, through music, literature, dancing, and through art. Humans have been creating art f o r e v e r .
I never truly realized it but the human form dominates our lives so completely, it makes a HUGE difference in our day - to - day lives, but something interesting
we are NOT surrounded by r e a l i s t i c images of the human form. 
Humans are hardwired in the brain to exaggerate and idealize the human figure; our search for "perfection" comes from culture, or environment, family, lifestyle, religion, beliefs, and many other things!
As humans there is something within us that has a desire to learn, to grow, and become something greater than we were before, and this is a beautiful thing. Artists create a more "perfect" version, poets create a more Utopian world, and even athletes create a more defined image of their own bodies and abilities. It is our human nature to become and create, but do we take this to the extreme? Do we push and push so much that we end up telling ourselves lies? 
I know that I have been guilty.
How many people do you know that are perfect?
How many incredible stories of inspiring people had the perfect figure, the easiest life, were the smartest, or the most perfect family life?
We tend to study the outcasts, drop-out students, orphans, and the "ugly ducklings" of life.
Like, Einstein, Corrie Ten Boom, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Helen Keller, and Jesus Christ.
Those are the stories that inspire & bring HOPE! 
"Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we're supposed to be and embracing who we are." -Brene Brown
So much of my life has been waiting to be good enough, practicing and hoping that someday I would be able to show my random interests like, ballet, dutch, painting, drawing, etc. All I want is to make people HAPPY, and to put a SMILE on their faces!!! I keep on telling myself to wait til I can do this...wait til I'm better at that... but I'm learning that the  p r o c e s s  is ALWAYS more b e a u t i f u l  than the results.
People don't only want to see the masterpiece, the end result; empathy and understanding comes from seeing the journey and the progress made all along the way. 
Being authentic is putting aside that "perfect" perception and that one "perfect" moment to shine and share the CrAzY self that you are! (because we are ALL truly crazy, and THAT is truly l o v e l y!) 
It is being brave enough to share you, despite your flaws, imperfections, mistakes...that is how we as humans CONNECT with each other along this journey through the human experience!
As we are more authentic we will start to see those around us as the Lord sees them, and our focus will be less internally and will become more of an outward focus.
How can you choose to be Authentic?
How can you share your LIGHT with another person today?

“The most miserable people I know are those who are obsessed with themselves; the happiest people I know are those who lose themselves in the service of others.” From #PresHinckley’s inspiring message Learn more #Giving #Christlike #Service #Happiness ... Enjoy more from Gordon B. Hinckley #ShareGoodness
Random Fun Fact: Having an outward focus (service oriented) reduces stress.
Stress is the inward focus of all that WE have to get done...focusing on others loads WILL lighten our load...and WILL put a smile on your face!
Keep being YOU!
You are powerful beyond comprehension; YOU are a child of God!

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