Friday, June 30, 2017

Humility is the KEY to inspiration!

You know that moment when you realize that people are imperfect?
CrAzY moment of clarity, right?!?!
...that moment when you realize that you are imperfect...
is hard.
The thing that has amazes me is the fact that I have been imperfect for a loooonnng time, and I'm going to continue to be imperfect for a looonnnggg time... it's frustrating because most the time we just accept the fact that we have flaws, bad days...bad weeks, but it is in those moments when we SEE our mistakes and shortcomings that it is hard!
Those days when we are chastened...we SEE and are humbled. 
b e a u t i f u l  moments!
I'm not going to lie, those moments are hard! 
But it is those moments that we see just how much the Lord truly loves us. 
IT'S TRUE! If He did not love you then He wouldn't take the time to give you correction, guidance, moments of clarity, humbling opportunities; they just wouldn't happen!
So, being imperfect is just proof that Heavenly Father really does love His children!
When we understand that we are very imperfect it allows us to recognize the fact that everyone is very imperfect too. 
 As soon as this understanding takes place we then can grow in kindness, understanding, forgiveness, love, charity, etc. This quote by Jeffery R. Holland fits perfectly!
Our Heavenly Father is so kind and loving...and so should we. 
LOVE that so much!
My dear, sweet fiance explained to me yesterday that when we hit a low miracles could potentially happen. 
Humbling moments allow us to DO something about our imperfect selves!
We are blessed with agency.
We have the ability to try a little hard to BE a little better! 
That is a MIRACLE!
The lows in our day-to-day lives allow us to SEE the hand of the Lord more, and it allows us to learn to lean on Him; as soon as we lean on the Lord with ALL our heart, might, mind, and strength ... that is when miracles can happen!
...or....that is when we will be able to SEE miracles.
miracles are ALL around us, we just have to OPEN our eyes and hearts to really be able to SEE them sometimes!!!
Humility is the key to inspiration!!!

Image result for the best two years quotes

( just had to throw in a quote from The Best Two Years )

To those who read this post:
If you are going through a hard time. If you're trying so hard just to become, but you feel like you're not going anywhere just know that you are NOT alone.
So many times we think that we have to embark on this journey alone; we forget that if that were the case then we would have been put here on this earth  a l o n e .  
\But we are here with SO many other people!!!
 we have someone who knows, and understands you PERFECTLY!
We have a Savior, Jesus Christ. The only person who knows EXACTLY how you feel, what you're going through, and He has the peace to be able to calm your troubled heart.
Allow Him to be your best friend... He will ALWAYS be there for you.
I know.
Because He has been there for me.
So, my friends, it most certainly IS ok to be imperfect!
But don't dwell on it, understand it and move on.
Go lift another person, visit someone who is lonely, compliment someone, make someone smile... the list could go on...
Just know that the road is ALWAYS uphill, and the journey is NOT easy, but it is worth it!!!
Look upward,
Reach outward,
NEVER lose your SMILE!!!
You NEVER know who's life you could bless!!!
Totziens to ya!!! ;)

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