Friday, December 23, 2016

I'll never, no never, no never forsake!

Just fair warning, this may be a longer post. 
My Heart is just SO full with too much to say...and not enough time. :)
...but I'll do my best. 
Today I've been thinking SO much on gratitude. 
I've realized just how blessed I am to be living at this time; to be alive, baking cookies, building snowmen, dancing with my brothers (even though they despise me for it), caroling, and so much more. 
I had the beautiful opportunity to wake up this morning at 5:30 and go do baptisms in the thing to do!
(Early mornings are AMAZING!)
A year ago today I received one of the MOST amazing, and beautiful Christmas gifts I had ever been given. My brother, dad, and I were in a roll over car accident where I was ejected from the car. My brother and dad were not badly hurt, just bumps, scrapes, and bruises. And I should have either been dead or paralyzed from the neck down, but I wasn't. 
Here's the link to my post about my experience and my thoughts right after I got home from the hospital:

 This was the truck after the accident. The passenger side of the truck was very much smashed, and that was the window that I flew out of. 
 The little things in life are the things that REALLY do matter. It made me SO happy to be able to put a little bit of weight on my leg...after not being able to bear weight on it for weeks, to being able to kind of stand on it was so exciting!!! And there was a Christmas tree made out of crutches ^_^
Again, with the little things... =)
 This is one of the scars from the car accident and it makes me happy! It's smiley face, and every time it reminds me that I have a loving Heavenly Father who IS fully aware of me, he has a specific plan for me, and I am destined for greatness; if I choose it!

 I witnessed my very own Christmas miracle.
 I watched the tender, mighty, and loving hand of my Father in Heaven comfort me, and bless my family.
Being alive was & is the miracle
being given the chance to live was my Christmas gift!
This year has been rough.
Because of the challenges I have been able to grow closer to my Heavenly Father, and I have learned SO much. I have realized that I have a lot left to do on this earth. 
I have people to serve, the gospel of Jesus Christ to teach, talents to learn, happiness to spread, and smiles to share!
 I have a lot to get done, and the only way for me to do these things is to, "forget myself and go to work!"
Life is going to have it's little ups, and downs...we can't get stuck feeling sorry for ourselves because nothing will ever get done. 
We MUST choose to act, CHOOSE to make a difference, choose to BE the difference.
Honestly, my heart is so full!!!

I know without any doubt that we are Children of God, a loving Heavenly Father...who is our Father. 
I know that His only begotten son, Jesus Christ suffered both body and spirit, all the pains, sorrows, and afflictions of the world, but through the Atonement He also experienced all of the happiness, and joy...individually for each and every one of us. 
He knows what we each are going through because He has experienced it.
 The Book of Mormon is the word of God, and I know that by studying this book we can come to learn and know of Christ, feel the power of the Holy Ghost, and be able to receive personal revelation, guidance, and direction. 
I know this because I have tried it. 
I have felt the power that comes from gaining a stronger testimony, and by building a stronger relationship with both my Savior, Jesus Christ & my Father in Heaven.
I love the gospel of Jesus Christ ... It really does make me HAPPY! 
Truly Happy.
I am in with both feet, I will run with diligence & determination to the very end.
-- a couple verses from How Firm a Foundation --
     4. When through the deep waters I call thee to go,
The rivers of sorrow shall not thee o'erflow,
For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless,
And sanctify to thee, and sanctify to thee,
And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress.
7. The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose
I will not, I cannot, desert to his foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I'll never, no never, I'll never, no never,
I'll never, no never, no never forsake!


Anonymous said...

Grandma and I are so glad and blessed to still have you here. That was a rough time a year ago but you and your family have truly been blessed. We love you.
Grandpa Smith

Anonymous said...

Briar, I'm going to add more to my last comment. You were (and are) truly blessed. Right after your accident a notice was placed on your Facebook page, and immediately friends and family were offering prayers for you and spreading the word that you needed help. Phone calls were made as well. Uncle Paul met your ambulance at the hospital as it arrived. Bishop Barton was there at the hospital for you. Family was at the hospital until they knew you were going to be alright. Your parents stayed with you. Others watched over your brothers so your parents could be with you. I was so very impressed how so many friends and family were praying for you and concerned about you. (You have a huge following.) You are one very special and blessed young lady. You are loved by all.
Grandpa Smith

Malissa said...

We're all so lucky to still have you here, that was so scary. I still remember the horror of that day when your Uncle Jamie told us what had happened. Briar, your a true blessing & were all so happy that you've recovered, day by day life goes on and gets easier.
We love you,
Aunt Malissa

BriarRose Thompson said...

Grandpa, it is true that there were so many people who helped, that was truly a know that there were people who cared and love our family. =) Everyone who helped last year, Uncle Paul, you, Grandma, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, and friends are and will forever be examples of living angels on this earth!
Thank you so much Aunt Melissa your love and support was felt, and such a blessing...always!
I love you both very much!!!